Works: | 74 works in 8 publications in 8 languages |
組織文化對工作滿足及離職原因之相關性探討 = = The study of the association of organization culture with the job satisfaction and the turnover inclination : an empirical study of the nurses of the above-ergional hospitals in hualien area : 以花蓮地區區域級以上醫院之護理人員為例 /
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領導型態對工作投入、工作滿足、組織承諾與組織公民行為之影響關係研究 = = The Study of the Relationship among Leadership style, Job Involvement, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizen Behavior : An Empirical Study of Taipower Company : 以台電公司為例 /
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壽險業業務員顧客導向行為之研究 = = The Study of Customer-Oriented Behavior of Life Insurance Sales Personnel /
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領導型態、工作滿足、組織承諾與離職意願關係之研究 = = An Empirical Study of the Relationships between Leadership Pattern, Job Satisfaction, Organization Commitment, and Turnover Intention : The Cases of Salon Companies in Taoyuan : 以大桃園地區美髮業員工為例 /
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運用結構方程摸式探討領導風格、工作投入、工作滿足、組織承諾之關係 = = Applying Structural Equation Modeling to Study the Relationship among Leadership Styles, Job Involvement, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment : An Empirical Study of Taoyuan Veterans Hospital : 以桃園榮民醫院為例 /
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告知式,說服式,參與式與授權式之領導型態對工作滿足及組織承諾關係之研究 = = The study of how informative, persuasive, participative and authorized leadership styles relate to job satisfaction and organization commitment : An empirical study of CPC's part-time employees in Tao-Yuan, Xin-Zhu, and Miao-Li : 以中國石油公司桃竹苗營業處部分工時人員為例 /
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運用結構方程模式探討領導型態、組織文化、組織學習、工作滿足 及組織績效之關係研究 = = Applying SEM Models to Study the Influence of Leadership, Organizational Culture, Organizational Learning, Satisfaction of Working and the Organizational Performance : An Empirical Study of High Technology Industry in Taiwan : 以高科技產業為例 /
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運用結構方程模式探討領導型態、組織文化、工作滿足、組織認同與組織承諾之關係 = = Applying Structural Equation Modeling to Discuss the Leadership, Organizational Culture, Job atisfaction, rganizational Identification, Organizational Commitment : An Empirical Study of Construction Industry : 以營建業為例 /
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影響工程技術顧問業工程師組織公民行為之研究 = = The Study of The Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Engineers in Engineering Consulting Companies /
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銀行人員的組織政治知覺對工作態度的影響 = = The Study of the Influence of Organizational Politics Perceptions to the Job Attitudes for the Personnel of Banking Industry /
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國內人力派遣公司員工組織承諾之研究 = = The Study of Organization Commitment for Domestic Manpower Dispatch Company Employees /
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薄膜電晶體液晶面板工程師工作績效之研究 = = The Study of Job Performance for TFT-LCD Engineers /
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飛機修護從業人員離職傾向之研究 = = The Study of Turnover Intention of Aircraft Maintenance Engineers : An Empirical Study of Military Aircraft Engine Division : 以國軍發動機修護專業單位為例 /
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人口學特性、組織文化、工作滿足及人格特質對組織公民行為影響之探討 = = Investigating the Impact of Demographic Characteristics, Organizational Culture,Job Satisfaction, and Personality Traits on Organizational Citizenship Behavior : An Empirical Study of Administrative Staff in a Regional Hospital : 以某區域醫院行政人員為例 /
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台灣外籍監護工離職傾向之研究 = = The Study of Foreign Home Health Caretaker Turnover Intentions in Taiwan /
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內部行銷對醫院藥師組織承諾影響之研究 = = The Study of the Effect of Internal Marketing to Organizational Commitment for Hospital Pharmacists /
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員工沉默行為之前因及影響之探討 = = The Study of the Antecedents and Consequences of the Employee Silence Behavior : An Empirical Study of MilitaryAircraft Engine Division : 以國軍發動機修護工廠為例 /
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組織變革態度前因與後果之研究 = = The Study of the Antecedents and Consequences of the Attitude Toward Organizational Change : An Empirical Study of Headquarter of Chinese Air Force : 以空軍高司幕僚單位為例 /
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組織公民行為前置因素之研究 = = The Study of the Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior : An Empirical Study of Curtain Wall Construction Industry in Taiwan : 以台灣帷幕牆工程營建業為例 /
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知覺組織支持、情緒智力、工作滿足及顧客導向間關係之研究 = = A Study of Perceived Organizational Support, Emotional Intelligence, Job Satisfaction and Customer Orientation /
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服務業員工之情緒勞務與顧客導向間關係之研究 = = A Study of the Relationship between Service Employees' Emotional Labor and Customer Orientation : A Taiwanese Security Company as Example : 台灣某綜合券商為例 /
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內部行銷對組織公民行為的影響 = = The influences of internal marketing on organization citizenship behavior-local banks as example : 以國內銀行為例 /
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領導型態、人格特質、工作壓力對工作滿足與工作績效、離職傾向關係之研究 = = The effects of leadership styles, personality traits, job stress on the job performance and turnover intension : case of flight crew of the army : 以陸軍第一線飛行人員為例 /
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員工情緒勞務與顧客導向影響因素之研究 = = A study of the antecedents of emotional labor and customer orientation of employees : the tourist agencies in Taipei as example : 以台北市綜合旅行社為例 /
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台灣高科技產業員工對組織認同之研究 = = The study of organizational identification of high technology industry employee in Taiwan /
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內部行銷、組織公平與工作滿足、組織承諾關係之探討 = = The study of relationships among internal marketing, organizational justice, job satisfaction and organizational commitment /
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情緒勞務、情緒感受、工作滿足、組織承諾與工作倦怠關係之研究 = = The Study of Relationships among Emotional Labor, Affect, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Burnout /
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員工工作滿足與組織承諾之研究:本國銀行與在台外商銀行的比較 = = A Study on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment: Comparison of Local Banks and Foreign Banks in Taiwan /
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社會認定、工作特性、工作投入、工作滿足與離職傾向關係之研究 : = 以社會工作者為例 = A study on the relationship between social identity, job characteristics, job engagement, job satisfaction, and intent to leave − social workers as example /
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醫療院所內部行銷對服務人員顧客導向行為影響之研究 = = A study on the influence of internal marketing on hospital employees’ customer-orientation behavior /
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內部行銷、工作滿足、組織承諾與留任意願關係之研究 : = 以花蓮某空軍基地為例 = A study the relationships between internal marketing, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and intention to stay : taking Hualien airbase for example /
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運用線性結構關係模式探討組織文化、領導型態、工作滿足、組織承諾之關係 = = Applying Linear Structure Equation to Discuss the Relationship Between Organizational Culture, Conductible Model, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment : An Empirical Study of Public Hospitals Nurse : 以公立醫院護理人員為例 /
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志願役空軍地勤軍(士)官生涯發展之研究 = = The Study of Career Development for Voluntary Command Officers and NCOs in Airforce's Ground Personnel /
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探討本國銀行從業人員對組織公平與工作態度之關係 = = The Study of Relationships among Organizational Justice and Job Attitudes of the Employee of Banking /
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運用結構方程模式探討領導型態、工作滿足、組織承諾與工作績效關係之影響 = = Applying Structural Equation Modeling to Study the Influence of Leadership Styles, Job Satisfaction,Organization Commitment and Job Performance : An Empirical Study of Real Estate Agents In Taoyuan Area : 以桃園地區不動產仲介從業人員為例 /
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轉換型領導與組織創新文化對研發人員工作滿足之影響 = = The Impact of Transformational Leadership and Innovative Culture on Job Satisfaction for R&D Personnel : The Mediating Effect of Person-Organization Fit : 個人-組織契合度的中介效果 /
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影響房屋仲介人員工作績效因素之研究 = = The Study of Influence Factors of Job Performance for Real Estate Sales Personnel : An Empirical Study of Franchise Association for Yung Ching Group of Taiwan : 以台灣永慶房仲集團連鎖加盟體系為例 /
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銀行行員組織公民行為之研究 = = The Study of Organizational Citizenship Behavior for Bank Personnel : An Empirical Study ofTaiwan Cooperative Bank : 以合作金庫商業銀行為例 /
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組織員工之師徒關係探討 = = The Study of Mentoring Relationships Upon Organization Employees : An Empirical Study of Chunghwa Telecom : 以中華電信公司為例 /
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影響組織公民行為因素之研究 = = The Study of the Influence Factors of OrganizationalCitizenship Behavior : An Empirical Study ofTaiwan Railway Company : 以台鐵局為例 /
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銀行業內部行銷作為與員工顧客導向關係之研究 = = A Study on The Relationship of Bank's Internal Marketing and Employee's Customer Orientation /
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金控體系證券機構員工組織承諾之研究 = = The Study of Employees' Organization Commitment of Security Institution under Financial Holding System /
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台灣地區國際扶輪社員組織公民行為之研究 = = The Study of Organizational Citizenship Behavior of International Rotary Club Member in Taiwan District /
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銀行行員組織公民行為之研究 = = The Study of Organizational Citizenship Behavior for Bank Personnel /
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警察人員工作滿足與工作投入之研究 = = A Study of Job Satisfaction and Job Involvement for the Police Officers : For Example to the Hualien Country Police Bureau : 以花蓮縣警察局為例 /
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倫理氣候認知對員工偏差行為影響之探討 = = A Study of the Influence of Perceived Ethical Climate on Workplace Deviance Behavior : An Empirical Study of A State-Owned Enterprise : 以某國營事業為例 /
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服務團隊特性與員工顧客導向間關係之研究 = = A Study on the Relationship between Service Team Characteristics and Employees' Customer Orientation : The Restaurant Service Employees in Hotel as Example : 以飯店餐廳服務人員為例 /
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內部行銷、情緒智力、情緒勞務、工作滿足與顧客導向間關係之研究 = = A Research of the Relationship Among Internal Marketing,Emotional Intelligence,Emotional Labor,Job Satisfaction,and Customer Orientation : Real Estate Agents in Taoyuan County as an Example : 以桃園縣不動產經紀人員為例 /
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影響第一線服務業員工服務破壞行為因素之探討─以主題樂園為例 = = A Study on Sabotage Behavior of Frontline Employees and its Antecedents in Theme Park /
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企業內部社團活動參與態度對工作滿足、組織認同與組織公民行為的影響---以壽險業為例 = = The Influence of Interior Extra-curricular Activities toward Job Satisfaction, Organizational Identification and Organizational Citizenship Behavior-An Empirical Study of Life Insurance Industry /
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企業內部行銷對組織成員工作滿足、組織承諾與顧客導向之影響 : = 以台灣糖業公司為例 = The influences of internal marketing on job satisfaction、organizational commitment and customer orientation - taking Taiwan Sugar Company as an example /
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內部行銷對員工組織承諾、工作滿足及工作績效之影響 : = 以醫療院所為例 = The Impact of Internal Marketing on Employee Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance— Taking Medical Institutions as an Example /
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