new perspectives in theoretical and ...
new perspectives in theoretical and applied statistics /
numerical methods for stochastic pro...
numerical methods for stochastic processes /
large deviation techniques in decisi...
large deviation techniques in decision, simulation, and estimation /
introduction to combinatorial theory /
introduction to combinatorial theory /
analysis of ordinal categorical data /
analysis of ordinal categorical data /
univariate discrete distributions /
univariate discrete distributions /
bayesian statistics :
introduction to mathematical statist...
introduction to mathematical statistics /
variance components /
nonlinear regression analysis and it...
nonlinear regression analysis and its applications /
counting processes and survival anal...
counting processes and survival analysis /
statistics for research /
statistics for research /
advanced calculus with applications ...
advanced calculus with applications in statistics /
optimal design of experiments /
optimal design of experiments /
order restricted statistical inference /
order restricted statistical inference /
stochastic modelling and analysis :
stochastic modelling and analysis :
introduction to probability theory a...
introduction to probability theory and its applications /
multivariate statistical simulation /
multivariate statistical simulation /
applied probability and queues /
applied probability and queues /
multiple imputation for nonresponse ...
multiple imputation for nonresponse in surveys /