flux-corrected transport
fundamental algorithms in computatio...
fundamental algorithms in computational fluid dynamics
computer simulations in molecular bi...
computer simulations in molecular biology
stochastic optimization /
stochastic optimization /
computation of viscous incompressibl...
computation of viscous incompressible flows
parallelism in matrix computations
parallelism in matrix computations
elastic and thermoelastic problems i...
elastic and thermoelastic problems in nonlinear dynamics of structural members
stochastic numerics for mathematical...
stochastic numerics for mathematical physics
nonclassical thermoelastic problems ...
nonclassical thermoelastic problems in nonlinear dynamics of shells :
spectral methods in chemistry and ph...
spectral methods in chemistry and physics
implementing spectral methods for pa...
implementing spectral methods for partial differential equations
mathematical models for eddy current...
mathematical models for eddy currents and magnetostatics
higher-order numerical methods for t...
higher-order numerical methods for transient wave equations /
spectral methods for uncertainty qua...
spectral methods for uncertainty quantification
finite element methods and their app...
finite element methods and their applications /
flux-corrected transport
splitting methods in communication, ...
splitting methods in communication, imaging, science, and engineering
finite element and discontinuous gal...
finite element and discontinuous galerkin methods for transient wave equations
advanced electromagnetic models for ...
advanced electromagnetic models for materials characterization and nondestructive evaluation
grid generation methods