Routledge library editions.

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marx's critique of political economy :
marx's critique of political economy :
rautahi :
rautahi :
social anthropology of complex socie...
social anthropology of complex societies /
elements of social organization /
elements of social organization /
mau mau and the kikuyu /
mau mau and the kikuyu /
custom & politics in urban africa :
custom & politics in urban africa :
shakespeare's dramatic structures /
shakespeare's dramatic structures /
winter's tale :
winter's tale :
swearing and perjury in shakespeare'...
swearing and perjury in shakespeare's plays /
shakespeare :
shakespeare :
death, property and the ancestors :
death, property and the ancestors :
structural study of myth and totemism /
structural study of myth and totemism /
marxist analyses and social anthropo...
marxist analyses and social anthropology /
finance capital :
finance capital :
german influence on english education /
german influence on english education /
rationality of feeling :
rationality of feeling :
essay towards a philosophy of educat...
essay towards a philosophy of education :
doing science :
doing science :
privatization and privilege in educa...
privatization and privilege in education /
rationality, education and the socia...
rationality, education and the social organization of knowledege :