applied correspondence analysis :
applied correspondence analysis :
confirmatory factor analysis :
confirmatory factor analysis :
analyzing decision making :
analyzing decision making :
basic math for social scientists :
basic math for social scientists :
covariance structure models :
covariance structure models :
anova :
neural networks /
rasch models for measurement /
rasch models for measurement /
spline regression models /
spline regression models /
operations research methods :
operations research methods :
social network analysis /
social network analysis /
multiple time series models /
multiple time series models /
modern methods for robust regression
modern methods for robust regression
analyzing complex survey data /
analyzing complex survey data /
cluster analysis /
ordinal log-linear models /
ordinal log-linear models /
analytic mapping and geographic data...
analytic mapping and geographic databases /
analyzing panel data /
interaction effects in factorial ana...
interaction effects in factorial analysis of variance /
longitudinal research /