Pittsburgh series in composition, literacy, and culture

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interests and opportunities
interests and opportunities
re-reading poets
re-reading poets
between languages and cultures :
between languages and cultures :
academic discourse and critical cons...
academic discourse and critical consciousness /
crossing borderlands :
crossing borderlands :
rhetorica in motion
rhetorica in motion
megarhetorics of global development
megarhetorics of global development
illness as narrative
illness as narrative
evolution of college english
evolution of college english
literate zeal
literate zeal
motives for metaphor :
motives for metaphor :
inessential solidarity
inessential solidarity
form to meaning
form to meaning
toward a composition made whole
toward a composition made whole
networking arguments
networking arguments
know her own history
know her own history
distant publics
distant publics
assuming the positions :
assuming the positions :
assuming the positions
assuming the positions
geopolitics of academic writing /
geopolitics of academic writing /
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