Muirhead library of philosophy.

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philosophy of nature.
philosophy of nature.
ethics and christianity /
ethics and christianity /
foundations of metaphysics in science /
foundations of metaphysics in science /
relevance of whitehead :
relevance of whitehead :
valuation :
valuation :
perception and our knowledge of the ...
perception and our knowledge of the external world /
philosophy and religion /
philosophy and religion /
g.e. moore :
g.e. moore :
history of english utilitarianism /
history of english utilitarianism /
our knowledge of right and wrong /
our knowledge of right and wrong /
modern predicament :
modern predicament :
history of aesthetic /
history of aesthetic /
intelligible world :
intelligible world :
history of philosophy /
history of philosophy /
contemporary british philosophy :
contemporary british philosophy :
mental images :
mental images :
bertrand russell memorial volume /
bertrand russell memorial volume /
phenomenology of mind.
phenomenology of mind.