Learning in doing

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頁數: [ 1 ] 2
situated learning :
situated learning :
understanding practice :
understanding practice :
computer as medium /
computer as medium /
psychotherapy in everyday life /
psychotherapy in everyday life /
how humans learn to think mathematically
how humans learn to think mathematically
talking mathematics in school :
talking mathematics in school :
distributed cognitions :
distributed cognitions :
thinking as communicating
thinking as communicating
situated cognition :
situated cognition :
changing classes
changing classes
vygotsky's educational theory in cul...
vygotsky's educational theory in cultural context /
teams to knots :
teams to knots :
dialogic inquiry :
dialogic inquiry :
situated cognition :
situated cognition :
beyond communities of practice :
beyond communities of practice :
mind and social practice :
mind and social practice :
materiality of learning
materiality of learning
beyond communities of practice
beyond communities of practice
designing for virtual communities in...
designing for virtual communities in the service of learning /
building virtual communities
building virtual communities