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museum ethics /
museum ethics /
museums and the shaping of knowledge /
museums and the shaping of knowledge /
representation of the past :
representation of the past :
museum ethics
museum ethics
managing quality cultural tourism /
managing quality cultural tourism /
papercutting :
papercutting :
emil artin and beyond - class field ...
emil artin and beyond - class field theory and l-functions
individuality and social forms :
individuality and social forms :
curating islamic art worldwide
curating islamic art worldwide
heritage that hurts
heritage that hurts
handbook for museums /
handbook for museums /
selecta /
selecta /
cultural resource laws and practice :
cultural resource laws and practice :
mathematical writings of évariste ga...
mathematical writings of évariste galois /
cardano's great art to lagrange's re...
cardano's great art to lagrange's reflections: filling a gap in the history of algebra /
andrzej schinzel, selecta
andrzej schinzel, selecta
hans freudenthal, selecta
hans freudenthal, selecta
landscape, race and memory :
landscape, race and memory :
sport, leisure and culture in the po...
sport, leisure and culture in the postmodern city /
social structure and science
social structure and science