Contributions to phenomenology ;

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merleau-ponty's reading of husserl /
merleau-ponty's reading of husserl /
phenomenology, east and west :
phenomenology, east and west :
schutzian theory of the cultural sci...
schutzian theory of the cultural sciences
edith stein's an investigation conce...
edith stein's an investigation concerning the state
phenomenology in italy
phenomenology in italy
phenomenology and the arts
phenomenology and the arts
religion and humor as emancipating p...
religion and humor as emancipating provinces of meaning
gurwitsch's relevancy for cognitive ...
gurwitsch's relevancy for cognitive science
origins of the horizon in husserl's ...
origins of the horizon in husserl's phenomenology
heidegger and the quest for the sacred :
heidegger and the quest for the sacred :
phenomenology of the noema /
phenomenology of the noema /
phenomenological approaches to moral...
phenomenological approaches to moral philosophy :
interrelation of phenomenology, soci...
interrelation of phenomenology, social sciences and the arts
unconsciousness between phenomenolog...
unconsciousness between phenomenology and psychoanalysis
lived experience of hate crime
lived experience of hate crime
eros in a narcissistic culture :
eros in a narcissistic culture :
heidegger, levinas, derrida
heidegger, levinas, derrida
idealism-realism debate among edmund...
idealism-realism debate among edmund husserl's early followers and critics
ideas for a hermeneutic phenomenolog...
ideas for a hermeneutic phenomenology of the natural sciences /