The business forecasting deal : = ex...
Gilliland, Michael.

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  • The business forecasting deal : = exposing myths, eliminating bad practices, providing practical solutions /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: The business forecasting deal :/ Michael Gilliland.
    其他題名: exposing myths, eliminating bad practices, providing practical solutions /
    作者: Gilliland, Michael.
    出版者: Hoboken, N.J. :Wiley, : c2010.,
    面頁冊數: xx, 252 p. :ill. ;24 cm.
    內容註: Fundamental issues in business forecasting -- Worst practices in business forecasting: part 1 -- Worst practices in business forecasting: part 2 -- Forecast value added analysis -- Forecasting without history -- Alternative approaches to the problems of business forecasting -- Implementing a forecasting solution -- Practical first steps -- What management must know about forecasting.
    標題: Business forecasting. -
    ISBN: 9780470574430 (hbk.) :
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •