奈米晶粒鑽石與立方氮化硼薄膜之製備與性質 = = Preparatio...

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  • 奈米晶粒鑽石與立方氮化硼薄膜之製備與性質 = = Preparation and characterization of nano-diamond and c-BN thin films /
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: 奈米晶粒鑽石與立方氮化硼薄膜之製備與性質 = / 賴哲永撰
    Reminder of title: Preparation and characterization of nano-diamond and c-BN thin films /
    remainder title: Preparation and characterization of nano-diamond and c-BN thin films
    Author: 賴哲永
    other author: 翁明壽
    Published: 民90[2001],
    Description: xii,66葉 : 圖,表格 ; 30公分
    Notes: 指導教授: 翁明壽
    Subject: 材料科學 -
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
GE0026042 五樓論文區 (5F Theses & Dissertations) 03.不外借_N 本校碩士論文 T 440.3 5753 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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