矽氧化物對選擇性成長磊晶層成長速率之模擬 = = A simulati...

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  • 矽氧化物對選擇性成長磊晶層成長速率之模擬 = = A simulation of silicon dioxide effects on the growth rate of silicon selective epitaxial growth(SEG) /
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: 矽氧化物對選擇性成長磊晶層成長速率之模擬 = / 邱信諺撰
    Reminder of title: A simulation of silicon dioxide effects on the growth rate of silicon selective epitaxial growth(SEG) /
    remainder title: A simulation of silicon dioxide effects on the growth rate of silicon selective epitaxial growth(SEG)
    Author: 邱信諺
    other author: 趙涵捷
    Published: 民88[1999],
    Description: viii,57面 : 部份彩圖,表格 ; 30公分
    Notes: 內容為英文
    Subject: 電機工程 -
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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