組織公民行為之潛在得失 = = The Tradeoffs of Or...

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  • 組織公民行為之潛在得失 = = The Tradeoffs of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors : An Examination of the Relationships Among Careerism, Social Desirability, OCB, Role Overload, and Job Stress : 職涯主義、社會讚許、組織公民行為、角色負荷與工作壓力間關係之實證 /
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: 組織公民行為之潛在得失 = / 林琪盛撰
    Reminder of title: The Tradeoffs of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors : An Examination of the Relationships Among Careerism, Social Desirability, OCB, Role Overload, and Job Stress : 職涯主義、社會讚許、組織公民行為、角色負荷與工作壓力間關係之實證 /
    remainder title: The Tradeoffs of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
    Author: 林琪盛
    Published: [花蓮縣] : 國立東華大學企業管理學系, : 民97[2008],
    Description: 10,86面 : 圖,表 ; 30公分
    Notes: 指導教授︰熊欣華
    Subject: 社會讚許 -
    Online resource: http://etd.lib.ndhu.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0708108-101119PDF全文
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  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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