A history of music and musical style /
Ulrich, Homer, (1906-1987)

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  • A history of music and musical style /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: A history of music and musical style // [by] Homer Ulrich [and] Paul A. Pisk
    作者: Ulrich, Homer,
    其他作者: Pisk, Paul Amadeus,
    出版者: New York :Harcourt, Brace & World, : [1963],
    面頁冊數: 696 p. :illus ;24 cm
    內容註: Music in Greece and Rome -- Music in the early church -- Monophonic music -- The beginnings of polyphony -- The Ars Nova -- The early fifteenth century -- Emergence of Renaissance: vocal music of Catholic composers -- The Renaissance: music of the Reformation -- The Renaissance: secular music -- Emergence of Baroque style -- The Baroque period: opera -- The Baroque period: other vocal music -- The Baroque period: instrumental music -- Emergence of Classical style -- The Classical period: opera -- The Classical period: other vocal music -- The Classical period: instrumental music -- The Classical period: Beethoven -- Emergence of Romantic styles -- The Romantic period: opera 1810-1850 -- The Romantic period: abstract music -- The Romantic period: program music -- The Romantic period: national schools -- The Romantic period: opera 1850-1890 -- The Romantic period: expanded resources -- Emergence of contemporary styles -- The twentieth century: new horizons -- The twentieth century: opera -- Three centuries of American music
    標題: Music - History and criticism -
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