Collection management for the 21st c...
Gorman, G. E

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  • Collection management for the 21st century : = a handbook for librarians /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Collection management for the 21st century :/ edited by G.E. Gorman and Ruth H. Miller
    其他題名: a handbook for librarians /
    其他題名: Collection management for the twenty-first century
    其他作者: Gorman, G. E
    出版者: Westport, Conn. :Greenwood Press, : 1997,
    面頁冊數: xv, 339 p. ;24 cm
    內容註: Introduction / G.E. Gorman -- Collection development and scholarly communication in the 21st century: from collection management to content management / John M. Budd and Bart M. Harloe -- The Internet and collection management in academic libraries: opportunities and challenges / Thomas E. Nisonger -- Collection management and integrated library systems / Mary F. Casserly and Anne C. Ciliberti -- Collection development policies and electronic information resources / Peggy Johnson -- The role of selection in collection development: past, present, and future / William S. Monroe -- Collection development and performance measurement / Philip J. Calvert -- Integrating the activities of librarians and paraprofessional workers in evaluating academic library collections / Sheila S. Intner -- Electronic document delivery services and their impact on collection management / Graham P. Cornish -- The preservation of electronic records: what shall we do next? / Ross Harvey -- Staffing and organization for collection development in a new century / Bonita Bryant -- Budgeting for information resources: current trends and future directions / William Fisher and Barbara G. Leonard -- The axioms, barriers, and components of cooperative collection development / Richard J. Wood -- Cooperation is the future of collection management and development: OhioLINK and CIC / Gay N. Dannelly -- Cooperative collection development: compelling theory, inconsequential results? / Dan C. Hazen -- Selected review of the literature on collection development and collection management, 1990-1995 / Ruth H. Miller
    標題: Collection management (Libraries) -
    ISBN: 0313299536
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
GW0020606 六樓西文書區HC-Z(6F Western Language Books) 01.外借(書)_YB 一般圖書 Z687 C663 1997 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •