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Jaffe, Dennis T.

Works: 2 works in 1 publications in 1 languages
Empowerment = building a committed workplace / by: Jaffe, Dennis T.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Scott, Cynthia D. (Language materials, printed)
工作樂透學 : = 愈投入愈快樂的職場定律 / by: 傑夫 ((Jaffe, Dennis T.)); 史考特 ((Scott, Cynthia)); 托比 ((Tobe, Glenn R.)); 劉蘊芳; Jaffe, Dennis T.; Scott, Cynthia.; Tobe, Glenn R. (Language materials, printed)
Rekindling commitment : = how to revitalize yourself, your work, and your organization / by: Scott, Cynthia D.; Tobe, Glenn R.; Jaffe, Dennis T. (Language materials, printed)
Organizational vision, values and mission by: Jaffe, Dennis T.; Tobe, Glenn R.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Scott, Cynthia D. (Language materials, printed)
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