派得盧許 ((Padrusch, David W.))
Works: | 0 works in 10 publications in 2 languages |
常見疾病系列 = = The body invaders / . 10. ; 10, . Allergies, ; 過敏
派得盧許 ((Padrusch, David W.)); 卡尼 ((Carney, Kat)); Carney, Kat; Padrusch, David W.; Big Rock Productions; Discovery Health Channel; Pinball Productions, Inc.
(Projected and video material)
常見疾病系列 = = The body invaders / . 1. ; 1, . Brain attack, ; 腦中風
卡尼 ((Carney, Kat)); 派得盧許 ((Padrusch, David W.)); 羅曼 ((Lawman, Kelly)); Carney, Kat; Lawman, Kelly; Padrusch, David W.; Big Rock Productions; Discovery Health Channel
(Projected and video material)
常見疾病系列 = = The body invaders / . 12. ; 12, . Everyday addictions, ; 沉迷成癮
卡尼 ((Carney, Kat)); 派得盧許 ((Padrusch, David W.)); Carney, Kat; Padrusch, David W.; Big Rock Productions; Discovery Health Channel; Pinball Productions, Inc.
(Projected and video material)
常見疾病系列 = = The body invaders / . 5. ; 5, . Cold & Flu, ; 流行性感冒
Padrusch, David W.; Ward, Dean; Big Rock Productions; Discovery Health Channel; 卡尼 ((Carney, Kat)); 派得盧許 ((Padrusch, David W.)); 華德 ((Ward, Dean)); Carney, Kat
(Projected and video material)
常見疾病系列 = = The body invaders / . 9. ; 9, . Heart attack, ; 心肌梗塞
卡尼 ((Carney, Kat)); 派得盧許 ((Padrusch, David W.)); 羅曼 ((Lawman, Kelly)); Carney, Kat; Lawman, Kelly; Padrusch, David W.; Big Rock Productions; Discovery Health Channel; Pinball Productions, Inc.
(Projected and video material)