Europe, Central
作品: | 1 作品在 5 項出版品 1 種語言 |
Central and Eastern European economies and the war in Ukraine = between a rock and a hard place /
Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern; Mátyás, László.; SpringerLink (Online service)
State and society in post-socialist economies /
Pickles, J.; Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern; Former Soviet republics
Local governance in Central and Eastern Europe = comparing performance in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Russia /
Lankina, Tomila.; Europe, Central; Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern; Hudalla, Anneke, (1971-); Wollmann, Hellmut, (1936-); Palgrave Connect (Online service); St. Antony's College (University of Oxford)
Trade, development and structural change = Central and Eastern Europe /
European Union.; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Central; SpringerLink (Online service); Europe, Central; Voicu, Anca M.; Sen, Somnath.; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada.
Central and Eastern Europe = Europeanizationand social change /
Bafoil, Franðcois.; Europe, Central; Europe, Central; Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Palgrave Connect (Online service)
State and society in post-socialist economies
Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern; Former Soviet republics; Pickles, J.; Palgrave Connect (Online service)
Regional economic voting : = Russia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, 1990--1999 /
Tucker, Joshua A. (1971-); Europe, Central; Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern
Local government- Europe, Central.
Russian Invasion of Ukraine, 2022- Economic aspects.
Elections- Economic aspects- Europe, Central.
Europe, Central- Economic policy- 1989-
Europe, Eastern- Economic policy- 1989-
European Union.
International trade.
European Integration.
Political Economy/Economic Policy.
Economic Development, Innovation and Growth.
Economic Policy.
International Economics.
Elections- Economic aspects- Europe, Eastern.
Europe, Central- Politics and government- 1989-
Europe, Central- Economic integration.
Labor and Population Economics.
Europe, Eastern- Economic conditions- 1989-
European Union Politics.
Post-communism- Europe, Central.
International relations.
European Politics.
Europe, Eastern- Politics and government- 1989-
Europe, Central- Social conditions- 1989-
Politics and Government.
Natural Resource and Energy Economics.
Europe, Central- Economic conditions- 1989-
Economics, general.
Europe, Eastern- Economic integration.
European Economics.
Former Soviet republics- Economic conditions.
Local government- Europe, Eastern.
Post-communism- Europe, Eastern.