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Irwin, William, (1970-)

Works: 1 works in 3 publications in 2 languages
The free market existentialist = capitalism without consumerism / by: Irwin, William, (1970-) (Electronic resources)
Seinfeld and philosophy : = a book about everything and nothing / by: Irwin, William, (1970-) (Language materials, printed)
The matrix and philosophy : = welcome to the desert of the real / by: Irwin, William, (1970-) (Language materials, printed)
Black Sabbath and philosophy = mastering reality / by: Irwin, William, (1970-) (Electronic resources)
Introducing philosophy through pop culture : = from Socrates to South Park, Hume to House / by: Irwin, William, (1970-); Johnson, David Kyle. (Language materials, printed)
哈利.波特終極哲學觀 : = 麻瓜的霍格華茲 / by: Bassham, Gregory, (1959-); Irwin, William, (1970-); 王冠中; 爾文 ((Irwin, William),) (1970-); 巴沙姆 ((Bassham, Gregory),) (1959-) (Language materials, printed)
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