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Biglieri, Ezio.

Works: 1 works in 2 publications in 1 languages
Dimensions of uncertainty in communication engineering by: Biglieri, Ezio. (Electronic resources)
Coding for Wireless Channels by: SpringerLink (Online service); Biglieri, Ezio. (Language materials, printed)
Principles of digital transmission = with wireless applications / by: Biglieri, Ezio.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Benedetto, Sergio. (Language materials, printed)
Channel coding = theory, algorithms, and applications / by: Biglieri, Ezio.; Fossorier, Marc, (1964-); Declercq, David. (Electronic resources)
Transmission and reception with multiple antennas = theoretical foundations / by: Taricco, G.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Biglieri, Ezio. (Language materials, printed)
MIMO wireless communications / by: Biglieri, Ezio. (Language materials, printed)
Principles of digital transmission : = with wireless applications / by: Biglieri, Ezio.; Benedetto, Sergio. (Language materials, printed)
Multiple access channels = theory and practice / by: Biglieri, Ezio.; NATO Advanced Study Institute on Coding and Analysis of Multiple Access Channels ((2006 :); Gy鋌rfi, L榥szl漃. (Language materials, printed)
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