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Tidd, Joseph, (1960-)

Works: 1 works in 2 publications in 1 languages
Exploiting intellectual property to promote innovation and create value by: Tidd, Joseph, (1960-) (Electronic resources)
Managing innovation : = integrating technological, market and organizational change / by: Bessant, J. R.; Pavitt, Keith.; Tidd, Joseph, (1960-) (Language materials, printed)
Digital disruptive innovation by: Tidd, Joseph, (1960-) (Electronic resources)
Managing innovation = internationalization of innovation / by: Brem, Alexander.; Tidd, Joseph, (1960-); Daim, Tugrul Unsal, (1967-) (Electronic resources)
Managing innovation : = integrating technological, market, and organizational change / by: Bessant, J. R.; Pavitt, Keith.; Tidd, Joseph, (1960-) (Language materials, printed)
Perspectives on supplier innovation = theories, concepts and empirical insights on open innovation and the integration of suppliers / by: Brem, Alexander.; Tidd, Joseph, (1960-); World Scientific (Firm) (Electronic resources)
Open innovation research, management and practice by: Tidd, Joseph, (1960-) (Electronic resources)
Managing innovation = what do we know about innovation success factors? / by: Brem, Alexander.; Tidd, Joseph, (1960-); Daim, Tugrul Unsal, (1967-) (Electronic resources)
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