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Fagerberg, Jan.

Works: 1 works in 1 publications in 1 languages
The Economic challenge for Europe : = adapting to innovation based growth / by: Fagerberg, Jan.; Europe; Guerrieri, Paolo, (1947-); Verspagen, Bart. (Language materials, printed)
European economic integration : = a Nordic perspective / by: Fagerberg, Jan.; Lundberg, Lars, (1937-); Fackf鋌reningsr鋌relsens institut f鋌r ekonomisk forskning.; Norsk utenrikspolitisk institutt.; Europe; Scandinavia (Language materials, printed)
Innovation, path dependency and policy = the Norwegian case / by: Fagerberg, Jan.; Mowery, David C.; Verspagen, Bart. (Language materials, printed)
Technology and international trade / by: Fagerberg, Jan. (Language materials, printed)
The Oxford handbook of innovation / by: Fagerberg, Jan.; Mowery, David C.; Nelson, Richard R. (Language materials, printed)
Innovation Studies = Evolution and Future Challenges / by: Andersen, Esben Sloth.; Fagerberg, Jan.; Martin, Ben R. (Electronic resources)
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