European Economic Community countries
Works: | 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages |
Cooperation among nations : = Europe, America, and non-tariff barriers to trade /
Grieco, Joseph M.; Gene; European Economic Community countries; United States
(Language materials, printed)
Europe and the United States : = competition & cooperation in the 1990s : a study submitted to the Subcommittee on International Economic Policy and Trade and the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives /
Europe; European Economic Community countries; United States
(Language materials, printed)
The United States and the European Community in the 1990s /
Ginsberg, Roy H.; Featherstone, Kevin.; European Economic Community countries; European Economic Community Countries; United States; United States
(Language materials, printed)
The United States and the European Union : = the political economy of a relationship /
Guay, Terrence R.; European Union.; European Economic Community countries; United States
(Language materials, printed)
Nontariff trade barriers- European Economic Community countries.
European Union.
Nontariff trade barriers- United States.
European Economic Community countries- Foreign economic relations- United States.
United States- Foreign economic relations- European Economic Community countries.
European Economic Community Countries- Relations- United States.
Europe- Economic integration.
Europe 1992.
United States- Foreign economic relations- Euro
United States- Relations- European Economic Community countries.