International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.
Works: | 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages |
Availability of pollutants associated with suspended or settled river sediments which gain access to the Great Lakes /
Perry, J. J.; Flatness, D. E.; International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities.; Armstrong, D. E.
(Language materials, printed)
Water quality of the upper Great Lakes : = an IJC report to the governments of Canada and the United States /
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; International Joint Commission.
(Language materials, printed)
Canada-United States research programs pertinent to the water quality of the Great Lakes : = a report to the International Joint Commission, July 1978, Windsor, Ontario /
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; Great Lakes Research Advisory Board.
(Language materials, printed)
Atmospheric loadings to the Great Lakes /
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.
(Language materials, printed)
Atmospheric loading of the lower Great Lakes and the Great Lakes drainage basin.
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities.
(Language materials, printed)
Workshop report anticipatory planning for the Great Lakes : = held March 5-7, 1979, Windsor, Ontario /
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; Great Lakes Research Advisory Board.
(Language materials, printed)
Effects of livestock activity on surface water quality, project 20, final report for International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities, Task C /
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities.; Beak Consultants Limited.
(Language materials, printed)
Agriculture and water pollution - an assessment of the practices and attitudes of Ontario farmers /
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities.; Bangay, Garth E.
(Language materials, printed)
1981 report on Great Lakes water quality : = report to the International Joint Commission.. appendices
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; Great Lakes Water Quality Board.
(Language materials, printed)
Reprot to the Great Lakes Water Quality Board : = first report of the Toxic Substances Committee.
Great Lakes Water Quality Board., Toxic Substances Committee.; International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.
(Language materials, printed)
1981 report on Great Lakes water quality : = report to the International Joint Commission.
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; Great Lakes Water Quality Board.
(Language materials, printed)
Proceedings of the Roundtable on the Surveillance and Monitoring Requirements for Assessing Human Health Hazards Posed by Contaminants in the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem : = held March 17-18, 1982, East Lansing, Michigan /
Great Lakes Science Advisory Board.; Great Lakes Water Quality Board.; International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; Roundtable on the Surveillance and Monitoring Requirements for Assessing Human Health Hazards Posed by Contaminants in the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem ((1982 :); Committee on the Assessment of Human Health Effects of Great Lakes Water Quality.
(Language materials, printed)
1982 report on Great Lakes water quality : = report to the International Joint Commission.
Great Lakes Water Quality Board.; International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.
(Language materials, printed)
1980 report on Great Lakes water quality : = report to the International Joint Commission.
Great Lakes Water Quality Board.; International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.
(Language materials, printed)
1981 report on Great Lakes water quality : = report to the International Joint Commission.. appendix,. Great Lakes surveillance.
Great Lakes Water Quality Board.; International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.
(Language materials, printed)
Municipal phosphorus loadings to Lake Erie : = an evaluation study prepared for the Great Lakes Water Quality Board.
Great Lakes Water Quality Board.; International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.
(Language materials, printed)
Report of the Aquatic Ecosystem Objectives Committee.
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; Great Lakes Science Advisory Board., Aquatic Ecosystem Objectives Committee.
(Language materials, printed)
The Response of the pulp and paper industry in the Great Lakes Basin to pollution abatement programs : = report to the Great Lakes Water Quality Board /
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; Great Lakes Water Quality Board., Pulp and Paper Point Sources Task Force.
(Language materials, printed)
Proceedings of a Workshop on the Fluvial Transport of Sediment-Associated Nutrients and Contaminants, held in Kitchener, Ontario, October 20-22, 1976 /
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; Workshop on the Fluvial Transport of Sediment-Associated Nutrients and Contaminants ((1976 :); Shear, Harvey.; Watson, Andrew E. P.; International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution From Land Use Activities.
(Language materials, printed)
Annual report : = report to the International Joint Commission /
Great Lakes Science Advisory Board.; International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Science Advisory Board
(Language materials, printed)
Reports of the Canadian Public Consultation Panels : = to the Pollution from Land Use Activities Reference Group /
International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities.; International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; Canadian Public Consultation Panels.
(Language materials, printed)
Contribution of sediment and associated elements to the Great Lakes from erosion of the Canadian shoreline : = Task D, activity 1 /
Haras, W. S.; International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; International Reference Group on Great; Thomas, R. L.
(Language materials, printed)
Streambank erosion in the Great Lakes Basin : = joint summary technical report /
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities.; Mildner, William F.; Knap, Katherine M.
(Language materials, printed)
Streambank erosion in the U.S. portion of the Great Lakes basin /
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities.; Mildner, William F.
(Language materials, printed)
A Review of the pollution abatement programs relating to the petroleum refinery industry in the Great Lakes Basin : = report to the Great Lakes Water Quality Board /
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; Great Lakes Water Quality Board., Petroleum Refinery Point Source Task Force.
(Language materials, printed)
Comparative nutrient budget of the two branches of Canagagigue Creek /
Dance, K. W.; Ontario., Ministry of Agriculture and Food.; International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities., Task Group C (Canadian Section); University of Waterloo., Research Waterloo.; Hynes, H. B.
(Language materials, printed)
Report to the Great Lakes Science Advisory Board of the International Joint Commission on the Health Implications of NON-NTA Detergent Builders /
Great Lakes Science Advisory Board., Task Force on the Health Effects of Non-NTA Detergent Builders.; International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; Great Lakes Science Advisory Board., Task Force on the Health Effects of NON-NTA Detergent Builders.
(Language materials, printed)
Contribution of sediments to the Great Lakes from agricultural activities in Ontario /
Dickinson, W. T.; van Vliet, L. J. P.; International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities., Task Group C (Canadian Section); Wall, G. J.
(Language materials, printed)
The ecosystem approach : = scope and implications of an ecosystem approach to transboundary problems in the Great Lakes basin : special report to the International Joint Commission, presented July 1978 /
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; Great Lakes Research Advisory Board.
(Language materials, printed)
Inventory of major municipal and industrial point source dischargers in the Great Lakes Basin.
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.
(Language materials, printed)
Workshop on Hazard Assessment : = proceedings of a workshop held in Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 9-11, 1979 /
Bratzel, M. P.; International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; Workshop on Hazard Assessment ((1979 :); Great Lakes Water Quality Board.
(Language materials, printed)
Reports of the United States Public Consultation Panels to the Pollution from Land Use Activities Reference Group.
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities.; United States Public Consultation Panels.
(Language materials, printed)
Technical report on determination of quantity and quality of Great Lakes U.S. shoreline eroded material /
International Joint Commission., Great Lakes Regional Office.; International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities.; United States., Great Lakes Basin Commission.; Alexander, Cheryl.; Armstrong, John Morrison, (1937-); Seibel, Erwin.
(Language materials, printed)
Show more
Soil erosion- Great Lakes Region.
Erosion- Environmental aspects- Great Lakes Region.
Water- Pollution- Ontario
Conservation of natural resources- Great Lakes Region.
Ecology- Great Lakes Region.
Water- Pollution- Great Lakes Region.
Water quality- Great Lakes.
Stream ecology- Ontario
Water- Pollution- Great Lakes Region
Agriculture pollution- Great Lakes Region.
Phosphorus- Environmental aspects.
Hazardous substances- Great Lakes Region.
Air- Pollution- Great Lakes Region
Agriculture- Environmental aspects- Great Lakes Region.
Water- Pollution.
Air- Pollution- Great Lakes Region.
Water- Pollution- Great Lakes
Water- Pollution- Great Lakes.
Water quality- Measurement- Great Lakes Watershed
Pollution- Great Lakes Region.
Water quality management- Great Lakes Region.
Agricultural pollution- Ontario.
Ecology- Research- Great Lakes Region.
Water quality management- Great Lakes.
Beach erosion- Great Lakes.
Sediment transport- Great Lakes.
Shore-lines- Great Lakes.
Water quality- Great Lakes Region.
Rivers- Great Lakes Region.
Soil conservation- Great Lakes Region.
Hazardous substances- Congresses.- Great Lakes Region
Land use- Environmental aspects- Great Lakes Region.
Sedimentation and deposition- Congresses.- Great Lakes
Water- Pollution- Great Lakes Watershed
Environmental policy- Great Lakes Region.
Soil erosion- Measurement.- Great Lakes
Bed load- Measurement.- Great Lakes
Stream conservation- Great Lakes Region.
Detergent pollution of rivers, lakes, etc.- Great Lakes Region.
Water quality- Great Lakes Regional.
Paper making and trade- Environmental aspects- Great Lakes Region.
Wood-pulp industry- Environmental aspects- Great Lakes Region.