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European Economic Community countries

Works: 2 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
The Political economy of European monetary unification / by: Frieden, Jeffry A.; European Monetary System (Organization); European Economic Community countries; Eichengreen, Barry J. (Language materials, printed)
The European Community, Eastern Europe, and Russia : = economic and political changes / by: Europe, Eastern; European Economic Community countries; Former Soviet republics; Gianaris, Nicholas V.; Europe, Eastern; European Economic Community countries; Former Soviet republics (Language materials, printed)
The Single European market and beyond = a study of the wider implications of the Single European Act / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; European Economic Community countries; Swann, Dennis.; Pa毃ses de la Comunidad Econ漃mica Europea (Language materials, printed)
Europe and the multinationals : = issues and responses for the 1990s / by: European Economic Community countries; Hamill, Jam; Young, Stephen, (1944-) (Language materials, printed)
Lobbying in the European Community / by: Richardson, J. J.; European Economic Community countries; Mazey, Sonia.; European Economic Community countries (Language materials, printed)
Regional economics / by: Temple, Marion.; European Economic Community countries (Language materials, printed)
Singular Europe : = economy and polity of the European Community after 1992 / by: European Economic Community.; European Economic Community countries; Adams, William James, (1947-); European Economic Community countries (Language materials, printed)
Economic problems of the 1990s : = Europe, the developing countries, and the United States / by: Developing countries; Europe, Eastern; European Economic Community countries; United States (Language materials, printed)
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