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Kahneman, Daniel, (1934-)

Works: 1 works in 1 publications in 1 languages
Thinking, fast and slow / by: Kahneman, Daniel, (1934-) (Language materials, printed)
Judgment under uncertainty : = heuristics and biases / by: Kahneman, Daniel, (1934-); Slovic, Paul, (1938-); Tversky, Amos. (Language materials, printed)
Choices, values, and frames / by: Kahneman, Daniel, (1934-); Tversky, Amos. (Language materials, printed)
International differences in well-being by: Diener, Ed.{me_controlnum}; Helliwell, John F.; Kahneman, Daniel, (1934-) (Electronic resources)
Heuristics and biases : = the psychology of intuitive judgement / by: Gilovich, Thomas.; Griffin, Dale W.; Kahneman, Daniel, (1934-) (Language materials, printed)
雜訊 : = 人類判斷的缺陷 / by: Kahneman, Daniel, (1934-); 廖月娟; Sunstein, Cass R; 周宜芳; 桑思汀 ((Sunstein, Cass R.)); 席波尼 ((Sibony, Olivier),) (1967-); 康納曼 ((Kahneman, Daniel),) (1934-); Sibony, Olivier, (1967-) (Language materials, printed)
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