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Smith, Steve.

作品: 1 作品在 0 項出版品 0 種語言
Deterrence Now. by: Biersteker, Thomas.; Brown, Chris.; Cerny, Phil.; Grieco, Joseph.; Groom, A. J. R.; Smith, Steve.; Ebooks Corporation.; Morgan, Patrick M. (書目-電子資源)
The Democratic Peace and Territorial Conflict in the Twentieth Century. by: Biersteker, Thomas.; Brown, Chris.; Cerny, Phil.; Grieco, Joseph.; Groom, A. J. R.; Smith, Steve.; Ebooks Corporation.; Huth, Paul K.; Allee, Todd L. (書目-電子資源)
Constructivism in International Relations : = The Politics of Reality. by: Biersteker, Thomas.; Brown, Chris.; Cerny, Phil.; Grieco, Joseph.; Groom, A. J. R.; Smith, Steve.; Ebooks Corporation.; Zehfuss, Maja. (書目-電子資源)
US Foreign Policy and the Iran Hostage Crisis. by: Biersteker, Thomas.; Brown, Chris.; Cerny, Phil.; Grieco, Joseph.; Groom, A. J. R.; Smith, Steve.; Ebooks Corporation.; Houghton, David Patrick. (書目-電子資源)
States in the Global Economy : = Bringing Domestic Institutions Back In. by: Biersteker, Thomas.; Brown, Chris.; Cerny, Phil.; Grieco, Joseph.; Groom, A. J. R.; Smith, Steve.; Ebooks Corporation.; Weiss, Linda. (書目-電子資源)
European Conquest and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples : = The Moral Backwardness of International Society. by: Biersteker, Thomas.; Brown, Chris.; Cerny, Phil.; Grieco, Joseph.; Groom, A. J. R.; Smith, Steve.; Ebooks Corporation.; Keal, Paul. (書目-電子資源)
The Politics of International Law. by: Biersteker, Thomas.; Brown, Chris.; Cerny, Phil.; Grieco, Joseph.; Smith, Steve.; Ebooks Corporation.; Reus-Smit, Christian.; Higgott, Richard.; Kennedy-Pipe, Caroline.; Ikenberry, G. John.; Groome, John.; Danchev, Alex. (書目-電子資源)
Democracy and Coercive Diplomacy. by: Biersteker, Thomas.; Brown, Chris.; Cerny, Phil.; Grieco, Joseph.; Groom, A. J. R.; Smith, Steve.; Ebooks Corporation.; Schultz, Kenneth A. (書目-電子資源)
Private Power, Public Law : = The Globalization of Intellectual Property Rights. by: Sell, Susan K.; Grieco, Joseph.; Biersteker, Thomas.; Brown, Chris.; Cerny, Phil.; Groom, A. J. R.; Smith, Steve.; Ebooks Corporation. (書目-電子資源)
Regions and Powers : = The Structure of International Security. by: Biersteker, Thomas.; Brown, Chris.; Cerny, Phil.; Grieco, Joseph.; Groom, A. J. R.; Smith, Steve.; Ebooks Corporation.; Buzan, Barry.; Waver, Ole. (書目-電子資源)