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Dent, Christopher M., (1965-)

Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
The Asia-Pacific, regionalism and the global system / by: Pacific Area; Dent, Christopher M., (1965-); Asia; Worldwide University Network.; Dosch, Jörn. (Language materials, printed)
East Asian regionalism / by: Dent, Christopher M., (1965-); East Asia (Language materials, printed)
The foreign economic policies of Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan / by: Dent, Christopher M., (1965-); Korea (South); Korea (South); Korea (South); Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Taiwan; Taiwan; Taiwan (Language materials, printed)
East Asian regionalism / by: Dent, Christopher M., (1965-); East Asia (Language materials, printed)
China and Africa development relations / by: Dent, Christopher M., (1965-); Africa; China (Language materials, printed)
The foreign economic policies of Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan / by: Taiwan; Singapore; Korea (South); Taiwan; Dent, Christopher M., (1965-); Singapore; Korea (South) (Language materials, printed)
China, Japan and regional leadership in East Asia / by: Dent, Christopher M., (1965-); China; East Asia; East Asia; East Asia; Japan (Language materials, printed)
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