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Bernasconi, Robert.

Works: 2 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
The relevance of the beautiful and other essays / by: Bernasconi, Robert.; Gadamer, Hans-Georg, (1900-2002.) (Language materials, printed)
The Provocation of Levinas : = rethinking the Other / by: Bernasconi, Robert.; Wood, David (Language materials, printed)
Derrida and differance / by: Wood, David; Bernasconi, Robert. (Language materials, printed)
The Cambridge companion to Levinas / by: Critchley, Simon, (1960-); Bernasconi, Robert. (Electronic resources)
Heidegger in question : = the art of existing / by: Bernasconi, Robert. (Language materials, printed)
The Cambridge companion to Levinas by: Bernasconi, Robert.; Critchley, Simon, (1960-); NetLibrary, Inc. (Language materials, printed)
Situating existentialism = key texts in context / by: Bernasconi, Robert.; Judaken, Jonathan, (1968-) (Electronic resources)
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