Gerke, Solvay.
Works: | 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages |
Chinese entrepreneurship and Asian business networks
Gerke, Solvay.; Menkhoff, Thomas.; NetLibrary, Inc.; China; Southeast Asia
(Language materials, printed)
Chinese entrepreneurship and Asian business networks /
Gerke, Solvay.; Menkhoff, Thomas.; Asia, Southeastern; China
(Language materials, printed)
Chinese entrepreneurship and Asian business networks /
China; Southeast Asia; Menkhoff, Thomas.; Gerke, Solvay.
(Language materials, printed)
Business networks- Southeast Asia.
Corporate culture- China.
Business networks- Southeast Asia.
Corporations, Chinese- Southeast Asia.
Entrepreneurship- Southeast Asia.
Chinese- Economic conditions.- Southeast Asia
Corporate culture- Southeast Asia.
Corporations, Chinese- Asia, Southeastern.
Entrepreneurship- China.
China- Foreign economic relations- Southeast Asia.
China- Foreign economic relations- Asia, Southeastern.
Corporations, Chinese- Southeast Asia.
Southeast Asia- Foreign economic relations- China.
Chinese- Economic conditions.- Asia, Southeastern
Corporate culture- Asia, Southeastern.
Entrepreneurship- Asia, Southeastern.
Asia, Southeastern- Foreign economic relations- China.
Entrepreneurship- Southeast Asia.
Business networks- China.
Corporate culture- Southeast Asia.
Business networks- Asia, Southeastern.
China- Foreign economic relations- Southeast Asia.