Ash, Robert F.
Works: | 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages |
Agricultural development in China, 1949-1989 : = the collected papers of Kenneth R. Walker (1931-1989) /
Ash, Robert F.; China; Walker, Kenneth R.
(Language materials, printed)
Taiwan's democracy : = economic and political challenges /
Taiwan; Taiwan; Taiwan; Ash, Robert F.; Ash, Robert.; Garver, John W.; Prime, Penelope B.
(Language materials, printed)
Taiwan's economic and diplomatic challenges and opportunities /
Taiwan; Taiwan; Taiwan; Taiwan; Ash, Robert F.; Fell, Dafydd, (1970-); Thornton, Mariah.
(Language materials, printed)
Hong Kong in transition = one country, two systems /
Ash, Robert F.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Hong Kong (China); Hong Kong (China)
(Language materials, printed)
The Chinese economy under Deng Xiaoping /
Ash, Robert F.; Kueh, Y. Y.; China; China
(Language materials, printed)
China, Hong Kong and the world economy : = studies on globalization /
Ash, Robert F.; Ho, Lok-sang.; Hong Kong (China); China; China; Hong Kong (China)
(Language materials, printed)
China's economic reform : = a study with documents /
Ash, Robert F.; Kueh, Y. Y.; Howe, Christopher.; China
(Language materials, printed)
Hong Kong in transition : = the handover years /
Ash, Robert F.; Ferdinand, Peter; Hook, Brian; Porter, Robin; Hong Kong (China); Hong Kong (China); Hong Kong (China)
(Language materials, printed)
Taiwan in the 21st century : = aspects and limitations of a development model /
Ash, Robert F.; Greene, J. Megan.; Taiwan; Taiwan; Taiwan
(Language materials, printed)
Economic trends in Chinese agriculture : = the impact of post-Mao reforms /
Ash, Robert F.; Kueh, Y. Y.; Walker, Kenneth R.
(Language materials, printed)
Food supply- History- 20th century.- China
Taiwan- Economic policy- 1975-
Mortality- History- 20th century.- China
China- Economic conditions- 1949-
Hong Kong (China)- Economic policy.
Hong Kong (China)- Foreign economic relations.
Freedom of the press- China
Taiwan- Foreign relations- 1945-
Agriculture- Economic aspects- 20th century.- China
Agriculture and state- China.
Hong Kong (China)- Economic conditions.
Hong Kong (China)- Social conditions.
Political culture- China
Hong Kong (China)- Politics and government- 1997-
China- Economic policy- 2000-.
Legitimacy of governments- China
Taiwan- Economic conditions- 1975-
Agriculture- Economic aspects- China.
China- Economic conditions- 1976-
China- Economic policy- 1976-
China- Economic policy- 1976-2000
Taiwan- Politics and government- 2000-
China- Foreign economic relations.
Taiwan- Foreign economic relations.