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Ibn Batuta, (1304-1377.)

作品: 2 作品在 1 項出版品 1 種語言
Cathay and the way thither : = being a collection of medieval notices of China / by: Inde; China; China.; Odorico, (da Pordenone,) (1265?-1331.); Ibn Batuta, (1304-1377.); India; East Asia.; India.; Yule, Henry, (Sir,) (1820-1889.); Rashīd al-Dīn Ṭabīb, (1247?-1318.); Balducci Pegolotti, Francesco, (active 14th century.); Marignolis, Joannes de.; Góis, Bento de, (1562-1607.); Chine (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The travels of Ibn Battuta / by: Africa, North; Asia; Middle East; Ibn Batuta, (1304-1377.); Hardy-Gould, Janet.; Cuthbertson, Ollie, (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Cathay and the way thither : = being a collection of medieval notices of China / by: Odorico, (da Pordenone,) (1265?-1331.); Cordier, Henri, (1849-1925.); Gois, Bento de, (1562-1607.); Marignolli, Giovanni, (Bp. of Bisignano,) (14th cent.); Balducci Pegolotti, Francesco, (14th cent.); Ibn Batuta, (1304-1377.); Rashid al-Din Tabib, (1247?-1318.); Yule, Henry, (Sir,) (1820-1889); China; India (書目-語言資料,印刷品)