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Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, (1939-)

作品: 116 作品在 3 項出版品 1 種語言
使女的故事 / by: 愛特伍 ((Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,1939- )); 陳小慰; Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, (1939-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Life before man / by: Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, (1939-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Bluebeard's egg / by: Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, (1939-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
末世男女 / by: 愛特伍 ((Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,1939- )); 韋清琦; 袁霞; Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, (1939-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Wilderness tips / by: Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, (1939-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Dancing girls and other stories / by: Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, (1939-); Canada (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The New Oxford book of Canadian short stories in English / by: Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, (1939-); Weaver, Robert, (1921-); Canada (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Eating fire : = selected poetry 1965-1995 / by: Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, (1939-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The Blind assassin / by: Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, (1939-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Bodily harm / by: Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, (1939-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
企業- 中國 New York (State) Toronto (Ont.)- Fiction. Fiction- Authorship Married people- Fiction. Bellow, Saul.- Seize the day. Malamud, Bernard.- Natural. Bowen, Elizabeth,- Death of the heart. Thackeray, William Makepeace,- Vanity fair. Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,- Cat's eye. Dos Passos, John,- U.S.A. Koestler, Arthur, Lewis, Sinclair, Steinbeck, John, American fiction- 20th century. Man-woman relationships- Fiction. Canadians- Travel- Caribbean Area Poetry. Women novelists- Fiction. Middle aged women- Fiction. Faulkner, William,- Sound and the fury. Naylor, Gloria.- Women of Brewster Place. Literature- History and criticism. Alcott, Louisa May,- Little women. James, Henry,- Ambassadors. Faulkner, William,- Absalom, Absalom! Ishiguro, Kazuo,- Remains of the day. Austen, Jane,- Persuasion. Bellow, Saul.- Herzog. Morrison, Toni.- Sula. Dumas, Alexandre, Fiction- 19th century. Genetic engineering Authors, Canadian- 20th century. Sisters- Death Crane, Stephen,- Red badge of courage. Fiction- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States. Fiction- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States. Warren, Robert Penn,- All the king's men. Golden, Arthur, Rhys, Jean. Fiction- 20th century. Dystopias- Fiction. Baldwin, James,- Go tell it on the mountain. Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,- Edible woman. Du Maurier, Daphne,- Rebecca. Fox, Paula.- Slave dancer. Updike, John.- Rabbit, run. Woolf, Virginia,- Mrs. Dalloway. Defoe, Daniel,- Fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders. Markandaya, Kamala,- Nectar in a sieve. McCullers, Carson,- Member of the wedding. Flaubert, Gustave,- Madame Bovary. Harris, Marilyn,- Hatter Fox. Hemingway, Ernest,- For whom the bell tolls. Fitzgerald, F. Scott American fiction- 18th century. Aged women Male friendship- Fiction. Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,- Interviews. Women painters- Fiction.- Ontario Short stories, Canadian. Canada- Social life and customs Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,- Handmaid's tale. Older women Fiction- Authorship. Anderson, Sherwood,- Winesburg, Ohio. Dickens, Charles,- Great expectations. Irving, John,- World according to Garp. Kosinski, Jerzy,- Painted bird. Mendez M., Miguel.- Peregrinos de Aztlan. Paton, Alan.- Too late the phalarope. Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,- Surfacing. Guterson, David.- Snow falling on cedars. Waugh, Evelyn,- Brideshead revisited. Davis, Rebecca Harding,- Margret Howth. Dumas, Alexandre,- Trois mousquetaires. Porter, Katherine Anne,- Ship of fools. Lee, Lillian. London, Jack, Women novelists Friendship- Fiction.- Ontario Bronte, Charlotte,- Jane Eyre. Gordimer, Nadine.- July's people. Wiesel, Elie,- Night. Fiction- History and criticism. Norris, Frank,- Octopus. Welty, Eudora,- Optimist's daughter. 加拿大小說 Triangles (Interpersonal relations) Novelists, Canadian- Interviews.- 20th century Revolutions- Fiction.- Caribbean Area Girls- Fiction.- Ontario Widows Authorship. Mason, Bobbie Ann.- In country. Emecheta, Buchi.- Bride price. Tan, Amy.- Kitchen god's wife. Dickens, Charles,- Oliver Twist. Emecheta, Buchi.- Wreslting match. Hardy, Thomas, James, Henry, American fiction- 19th century. Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,- Criticism and interpretation Women and literature- History- 20th century- Canada Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, Fantasy fiction, Canadian- History and criticism. Potok Chaim.- Chosen. Remarque, Erich Maria,- All quiet on the Western front. Silko, Leslie,- Ceremony. Anaya, Rudolfo A.- Bless me, Ultima. Kingsolver, Barbara.- Animal dreams. Banks, Russell,- Sweet hereafter. Baum, L. Frank- Wizard of Oz. Irving, John,- Prayer for Owen Meany. Zindel, Paul.- Pigman. Cather, Willa, English fiction- 19th century.