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United States

作品: 3 作品在 0 項出版品 0 種語言
Bill Clinton : = an American journey : great expectations / by: Hamilton, Nigel.; United States (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
End times : = the death of the fourth estate / by: St. Clair, Jeffrey.; Cockburn, Alexander.; United States; United States (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Politics in an era of divided government = elections and goverance in the second Clinton administration / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; United States; Schantz, Harvey L., (1951-); United States., Congress (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Media matters : = race and gender in U.S. politics / by: Fiske, John,; United States; United States (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
With malice toward all? = the media and public confidence in democratic institutions / by: Moy, Patricia.; United States; Pfau, Michael. (書目-電子資源)
Clinton and Japan = the impact of revisionism on US trade policy / by: Japan; United States; United States; Uriu, Robert M., (1959-); Japan (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The values divide = American politics and culture in transition / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; United States; United States; White, John Kenneth. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Politics in an era of divided government : = elections and goverance in the second Clinton administration / by: United States; Schantz, Harvey L., (1951-); United States., Congress (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Media matters : = race and gender in U.S. politics / by: United States; United States; Fiske, John. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The press effect = politicians, journalists, and the stories that shape the political world / by: Waldman, Paul.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Jamieson, Kathleen Hall.; United States (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
United States- Politics and government- 1989-1993. Legislation- United States. United States- Social policy- 1993- Pauvret歋- Politique gouvernementale- 榼tats-Unis. 榼tats-Unis- Politique et gouvernement- 1993-2001. Same-sex marriage- Law and legislation- United States. Clinton, Bill,- Political and social views. Clinton, Bill,- Oratory. Political corruption- History- 20th century.- United States Foreign trade regulation- United States. Protectionism- Japan. United States. United States- Foreign economic relations. Press and politics- United States. Presidents- Election.- United States Social values- United States. Political oratory- History- 20th century.- United States Popular culture- United States. Mass media- Political aspects- United States. Clinton, Bill, Journalism- Objectivity- United States. United States.- History. Aide sociale- 榼tats-Unis. Foreign trade regulation- Japan. Japan- Commerce- United States. United States- Commerce- Japan. Mass media- Influence. United States- Economic policy- 1993-2001. United States- Politics and government- 1981-1989. Divided government- United States. Elections- United States. Political campaigns- History- 20th century.- United States Social ethics- United States. Family policy- United States. Same-sex marriage- United States. United States- Politics and government- 1993-2001. Social advocacy- United States. Elections- History- 20th century.- United States Public welfare- United States. Politique familiale- 榼tats-Unis. Political leadership- United States Scandals- History- 20th century.- United States Clinton, Bill,- Public opinion. Japan- Politics and government- 1989- Mass media- Public opinion. Presidents- Biography.- United States Presidents' spouses- United States United States- Politics and government- 2001- Pressure groups- United States. United States- Commerce. Press and propaganda- United States. Gay rights- United States. Clinton, Bill,- Language. Politics and culture- United States. Starr, Kenneth,- Referral from Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr in conformity with the requirements of Title 28, United States Code, section 595(c). Clinton, Bill,- Impeachment. Governmental investigations- United States. Clinton, Bill,- Family. Political culture- History- 20th century.- United States Advocacy advertising- United States. United States.- Elections, 1996. Presidents- Election- 1996.- United States 榼tats-Unis- Politique sociale- 1993- Journalism- United States. Political questions and judicial power- United States. Lewinsky, Monica S. Public opinion- United States. Democracy- United States. Women legislators- United States Legislators- United States United States- Foreign relations- 1993-2001. Culture conflict- United States. Presidents- Election- 2000.- United States Poor- Government policy- United States. Welfare recipients- Government policy- United States. Aide sociale- B歋n歋ficiaires- 榼tats-Unis. Public opinion- History- 20th century.- United States Rhetoric- Political aspects- 20th century.- United States Communication in politics- History- 20th century.- United States Clinton, Bill,- Sexual behavior.