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Edginton, Christopher R.

Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Leisure and life satisfaction : = foundational perspectives / by: Edginton, Christopher R. (Language materials, printed)
Community parks & recreation : = an introduction / by: Edginton, Christopher R. (Language materials, printed)
Just call me minnie = my six decades in baseball / by: Edginton, Christopher R.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Minoso, Minnie. (Electronic resources)
Youth work : = emerging perspectives in youth development / by: Edginton, Christopher R.; Kowalski, Christopher L.; Randall, Steven W. (Language materials, printed)
Leadership in recreation and leisure service organizations by: Ford, Phyllis M.; Hudson, Susan D.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Edginton, Christopher R. (Language materials, printed)
Leisure and life satisfaction : = foundational perspectives / by: Edginton, Christopher R. (Language materials, printed)
Leadership in recreation and leisure service organizations / by: Hudson, Susan D.; Ford, Phyllis M.; Edginton, Christopher R. (Language materials, printed)
Leisure as transformation / by: Edginton, Christopher R.; Chen, Peter. (Language materials, printed)
Leadership for recreation and leisure programs and settings by: Ford, Phyllis M.; Hudson, Susan D.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Edginton, Christopher R. (Language materials, printed)
Youth programs : = promoting quality services / by: Edginton, Christopher R.; Edginton, Susan R. (Language materials, printed)
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