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Thompson, Michael, (1947-)

Works: 1 works in 2 publications in 1 languages
關於男孩 : = 你了解他的內心世界嗎? / by: Thompson, Michael, (1947-); Barker, Teresa; 湯普森 ((Thompson, Michael, 1947-)); 巴克 ((Barker, Teresa)); 張憶南 (Language materials, printed)
Mom, they're teasing me : = helping your child solve social problems / by: Cohen, Lawrence J., (Ph. D.); Grace, Catherine O'Neill, (1950-); Thompson, Michael, (1947-) (Language materials, printed)
該隱的封印 : = 揭開男孩世界的殘忍文化 / by: 金德倫 ((Kindlon, Daniel J.(Daniel James), 1953-)); 湯普森 ((Thompson, Michael ,1947-)); 吳書榆; Kindlon, Daniel J.(Daniel James), (1953-); Thompson, Michael, (1947-) (Language materials, printed)
Best friends, worst enemies : = understanding the social lives of children / by: Grace, Catherine O'Neill, (1950-); Cohen, Lawrence J., (Ph. D.); Thompson, Michael, (1947-) (Language materials, printed)
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