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Watson, James L.

Works: 1 works in 3 publications in 1 languages
Death ritual in late imperial and modern China by: Rawski, Evelyn Sakakida.; Watson, James L.; Joint Committee on Chinese Studies (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc. (Electronic resources)
Golden arches east : = McDonald's in East Asia / by: Watson, James L.; McDonald's Corporation.; East Asia (Language materials, printed)
飲食全球化 : = 跟著麥當勞,深入東亞街頭 / by: 麥當勞公司(McDonald's Corporation); 瓦森 ((Watson, James L.)); Watson, James L. (Language materials, printed)
麥當勞成功傳奇 / by: 瓦森 ((Watson, James L.)); 蕭羨一; Watson, James L.; East Asia (Language materials, printed)
鄉土香港 : = 新界的政治、性別及禮儀 / by: 中國; 張婉麗; 盛思維; 華琛 ((Watson, James L.)); 華若璧 ((Watson, Rubie S.)); Watson, James L.; Watson, Rubie S. (Language materials, printed)
Death ritual in late imperial and modern China / by: Rawski, Evelyn Sakakida.; Watson, James L.; Joint Committee on Chinese Studies (U.S.) (Language materials, printed)
Golden arches east : = McDonald's in East Asia / by: Watson, James L.; McDonald's Corporation.; East Asia (Language materials, printed)
Death ritual in late imperial and modern China / by: Watson, James L.; Rawski, Evelyn Sakakida.; Joint Committee on Chinese Studies (U.S.) (Language materials, printed)
Death ritual in late imperial and modern China / by: Watson, James L.; Rawski, Evelyn Sakakida. (Language materials, printed)
The Handbook of food and anthropology / by: Klein, Jakob.; Watson, James L. (Language materials, printed)
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