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Great Britain

作品: 0 作品在 9 項出版品 3 種語言
The discovery of islands : = essays in British history / by: Pocock, J. G. A. (1924-); Great Britain; Great Britain; New Zealand (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Social memory in late Medieval England = village life and proofs of age / by: Great Britain; SpringerLink (Online service); Rosenthal, Joel T. (書目-電子資源)
A shortened history of England / by: Great Britain; Trevelyan, George Macaulay, (1876-1962.) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The Oxford illustrated history of the British monarchy / by: Great Britain; Great Britain; Great Britain; Griffiths, Ralph.; Cannon, John Ashton.; Great Britain (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
A History of England in 100 places : = from Stonehenge to the Gherkin / by: Great Britain; Norwich, John Julius, (1929-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
抗拒民主的國家 : = 大不列顛的遲疑與抉擇1707-1975 / by: 史派克 ((Speck, W. A.(William Arthur), 1938-)); 英國; Great Britain; 糜佳; Speck, W. A. (1938-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
A history of the peoples of the British Isles.. [Vol. 2],. From 1688 to 1914 / by: Heyck, Thomas William.; Great Britain; Ireland (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The monarchy and the British nation, 1780 to the present / by: Great Britain; Great Britain; Olechnowicz, Andrzej. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
England's Queens : = From Boudica to Elizabeth of York / by: Norton, Elizabeth ((Historian).); Great Britain; Great Britain (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The Oxford illustrated history of Britain / by: Great Britain; Morgan, Kenneth O. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Ethnology- Great Britain. Great Britain- Social policy. Decolonization- History. Great Britain- Colonies History of Britain and Ireland. Cultural History. Civilization- History. Gender identity. Gender and Sexuality. Political Leadership. Ethnology- Ireland. Great Britain- Kings and rulers England.- History. Language policy- History.- Great Britain Wales- History. Literature. History of Medieval Europe. Human Geography. 英國- 歷史 England- Civilization. Elite (Social sciences)- England. Medieval Literature. British and Irish Literature. Social History. English language- Standardization. England- Social conditions. Royalists- History- 20th century.- Great Britain Social history. Memory Studies. English literature- History and criticism. Great Britain- Politics and government. New Zealand- History. Historic sites- England. History. Modern History. Political History. European Politics. Governance and Government. Ireland- History. Monarchy- History.- Great Britain Great Britain- Officials and employees Monarchy- History- 20th century- Great Britain Monarchy- Public opinion.- Great Britain Royalists- History- 19th century.- Great Britain Imperialism and Colonialism. Scotland- History. Queens- England Great Britain- Historiography. Great Britain- Social conditions. Historia Da Europa. Imperialism- History. Historic buildings- England. Queens. Kings and rulers. Urban History. Great Britain- History. Chaucer, Geoffrey,- Language. English language- History. Monarchy- History- 19th century- Great Britain Monarchy- Great Britain. Collective memory- England. Cultural Heritage.