Field, Donald R.
作品: | 4 作品在 0 項出版品 0 種語言 |
National parks and rural development : = practice and policy in the United States /
Field, Donald R.; Machlis, Gary E.
On interpretation : = sociology for interpreters of natural and cultural history /
Machlis, Gary E.; Field, Donald R.
People, places and landscapes : = social change in high amenity rural areas /
Krannich, Richard S.; Field, Donald R.; Luloff, A. E.; West (U.S.)
National parks and rural development : = practice and policy in the United States /
Machlis, Gary E.; Field, Donald R.
On interpretation : = sociology for interpreters of natural and cultural history /
Field, Donald R.; Machlis, Gary E.
Communities and forests : = where people meet the land /
Field, Donald R.; Lee, Robert G.
Forest management- Citizen participation.
Community forests- Management.
Zones de loisirs- Programmes d'interprétation.
Rural development- Great Basin.
Recreation areas- Interpretive programs.
Natural areas- Social aspects- Great Basin.
Interpretation of cultural and natural resources.
Land use, Rural- Planning.- United States
Sociology, Rural- Great Basin.
Rural development- United States.
Community forests- Management.- United States
Forest management- Citizen participation.- United States
Loisirs- Aspect social.
Guides touristiques (Personnes)
West (U.S.)
National parks and reserves- Management.- United States
Recreation- Social aspects.
Tour guides (Persons)