Eliot, George, (1819-1880.)
作品: | 26 作品在 3 項出版品 1 種語言 |
The mill on the Floss /
Byatt, A. S. (1936-); Eliot, George, (1819-1880.); England
Carroll, David, (1932-); NetLibrary, Inc.; Eliot, George, (1819-1880.); England
Reading for our time : = Adam Bede and Middlemarch revisited /
Miller, J. Hillis (1928-.)
Felix Holt, the radical
Baker, William.; Womack, Kenneth.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Eliot, George, (1819-1880.)
The journals of George Eliot /
Harris, Margaret.; Johnston, Judith, (1947-); Eliot, George, (1819-1880.)
The mill on the Floss : = an authoritative text, backgrounds, and contemporary reactions criticism /
Christ, Carol T.; Eliot, George, (1819-1880.); England
Silas Marner : = the weaver of Raveloe /
Cave, Terence.; Eliot, George, (1819-1880.); England
Middlemarch /
Bonaparte, Felicia.; Carroll, David, (1932-); Eliot, George, (1819-1880.); England
The mill on the floss /
Birch, Dinah.; Haight, Gordon Sherman.; Eliot, George, (1819-1880.); England
Novels for students. = presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels /. Volume 23
Constantakis, Sara,; Gale Group.
The mill on the Floss
Haight, Gordon Sherman.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Eliot, George, (1819-1880.); England; Eliot, George, (1819-1880.) (1980.)
Novels for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied novels /. Volume 17
Galens, David.; Gale Group.
The universal Jew = masculinity, modernity, and the Zionist moment /
Project Muse.; Dekel, Mikhal, (1965-)
Novels for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied novels /. Volume 20
Milne, Ira Mark,; Sisler, Timothy,; Gale Group.
Romola /
Brown, Andrew, (1950-); Eliot, George, (1819-1880.); Eliot, George, (1819-1880.) (1980.)
Selected critical writings /
Ashton, Rosemary, (1947-); Eliot, George, (1819-1880.)
Technologies of power in the Victorian period = print culture, human labor, and new modes of critique in Charles Dickens's Hard Times, Charlotte Bronte's Shirley, and George Eliot's Felix Holt /
Murray, John Condon.
The lifted veil : = Brother Jacob /
Small, Helen.; Eliot, George, (1819-1880.); Eliot, George, (1819-1880.)
Middlemarch : = an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism /
Hornback, Bert G., (1935-); Eliot, George, (1819-1880.); England
Eliot, George,
Married people- Fiction.
Mann, Thomas,
Steinbeck, John,
American fiction- 20th century.
Wharton, Edith,- Summer.
Eliot, George,- Silas Marner.
Welch, James,- Winter in the blood.
Novelists, English- 19th century
Herzl, Theodor,- Altneuland.
Hebrew literature, Modern- History and criticism.
English fiction- History and criticism.- 19th century
Literature and technology- History- 19th century.- Great Britain
City and town life- Fiction.
Eliot, George,- Diaries.
Novelists, English- Diaries.- 19th century
Brothers and sisters- Fiction.
Loss (Psychology)
Water mills
Interpersonal relations- Fiction.
Jews- Fiction.- England
Man-woman relationships- Fiction.- England
Radicalism- Fiction.- England
Aristocracy (Social class)- Fiction.
Adopted children
Fathers and daughters- Fiction.
Dreiser, Theodore,
Fiction- 19th century.
Literature- History and criticism.
Masculinity in literature.
Jewish literature- History and criticism.- 19th century
Novelists, English- Biography.- 19th century
Brothers and sisters- Fiction.- England
Chandler, Raymond,
Waugh, Evelyn,
Fiction- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States.
Fiction- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States.
Fiction- 20th century.
Hugo, Victor,- Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Stevenson, Robert Louis,- Treasure island.
Crane, Stephen,- Maggie : a girl of the streets.
Fitzgerald, F. Scott- This side of paradise.
Grahame, Kenneth,- Wind in the willows.
Duong, Thu Huong.- Paradise of the blind.
Greenberg, Joanne.- I never promised you a rose garden.
McDermott, Alice.- Charming Billy.
Pynchon, Thomas.- Gravity's rainbow.
Eliot, George,- Political and social views.
Young women
England- Social life and customs- 19th century
Greeks- Italy
Alexie, Sherman,
Herbert, Frank.
American fiction- 18th century.
Dickens, Charles,- Hard times.
Cunningham, Michael,- Hours.
Intellectuals- Great Britain
Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.).
Speech in literature.
Communication and technology- History- 19th century.- Great Britain
England- Fiction.
Young women- Fiction.- England
Women clergy
Women- Italy
Bridal, Tessa,
H�eg, Peter,
Hawthorne, Nathaniel,- House of the seven gables.
Burdick, Eugene.- Ugly American.
Ondaatje, Michael,- English patient.
Shields, Carol.- Stone diaries.
Eliot, George,- Knowledge
Eliot, George,- Philosophy.
Jews- Identity.
Didactic fiction, English.
Psychological fiction, English.
Florence (Italy)- Fiction.
Hijuelos, Oscar.
Keneally, Thomas.
Wells, H. G.,
Fiction- History and criticism.
Leroux, Gaston,- Phantom of the opera.
Kertesz, Imre,- Kaddish for a child not born.
Rushdie, Salman.- Midnight's children.
Gender identity in literature.
Mead, Rebecca- Books and reading.
English literature- Publishing- 19th century.- Great Britain
Conflict of generations
Great Britain- Intellectual life- 19th century.
Savonarola, Girolamo,
Illegitimate children
Triangles (Interpersonal relations)
Cleage, Pearl.
American fiction- 19th century.
Twain, Mark,- Connecticut yankee in King Arthur's court.
Lederer, William J.,- Ugly American.
Maugham, W. Somerset- Razor's edge.
Eliot, George,- Religion.
Jewish literature- History and criticism.- 20th century
Bronte, Charlotte,- Shirley.
Eliot, George,- Felix Holt, the radical.
Eliot, George,- Mill on the Floss.
Intellectuals- Biography.- Great Britain
Married women- Fiction.
Eliot, George,- Middlemarch.
English fiction- 19th century.
Wells, H. G.- War of the worlds.
Wilde, Oscar,- Picture of Dorian Gray.
Brookner, Anita.- Hotel du lac.
Eliot, George,- Daniel Deronda.
Zionism in literature.
Books and reading- History- 19th century.- Great Britain