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Kohut, Heinz.

Works: 1 works in 2 publications in 2 languages
The empathic reader = a study of the narcissistic character and the drama of the self / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Bouson, J. Brooks. (Electronic resources)
自體的重建 / by: 許豪沖; Kohut, Heinz.; 寇哈特 ((Kohut,Heinz)) (Language materials, printed)
The Theory and practice of self psychology / by: White, Marjorie Taggart, (1915-); Weiner, Marcella Bakur, (1925-) (Language materials, printed)
The search for the self : = selected writings of Heinz Kohut. v.3. 1978-1981 / by: Ornstein, Paul H.; Kohut, Heinz. (Language materials, printed)
Heinz Kohut and the psychology of the self / by: Siegel, Allen M., (1940-) (Language materials, printed)
The Kohut seminars on self psychology and psychotherapy with adolescents and young adults / by: Kohut, Heinz.; Elson, Miriam.; Kohut, Heinz. (Language materials, printed)
How does analysis cure? / by: Goldberg, Arnold, (1929-.); Stepansky, Paul E.; Kohut, Heinz. (Language materials, printed)
The search for the self : = selected writings of Heinz Kohut, 1950-1978 . v.2/ by: Ornstein, Paul H.; Kohut, Heinz. (Language materials, printed)
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