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Austen, Jane, (1775-1817.)

作品: 6 作品在 5 項出版品 2 種語言
Mansfield Park : = authoritative text, contexts, criticism / by: Johnson, Claudia L.; Austen, Jane, (1775-1817.); England (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Pride and prejudice / by: Austen, Jane, (1775-1817.); England; Jones, Vivien, (1952-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Sense and sensibility / by: Austen, Jane, (1775-1817.); England (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Pride and prejudice / by: Austen, Jane, (1775-1817.); England (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Global Jane Austen = pleasure, passion, and possessiveness in the Jane Austen community / by: Raw, Laurence,; Dryden, Robert G., (書目-電子資源)
Jane Austen : = a life / by: Nokes, David. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
How to study a Jane Austen novel / by: Jones, Vivien. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Mansfield Park / by: Austen, Jane, (1775-1817.); England (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Jane Austen / by: Stafford, Fiona J. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Emma : = an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews and criticism / by: Parrish, Stephen Maxfield.; Austen, Jane, (1775-1817.); England (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Biography as a literary form. Pepys, Samuel, Sisters- Fiction. England- Social life and customs Austen, Jane,- Sense and sensibility. Gentry- England Hemingway, Ernest,- Farewell to arms. Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,- Cat's eye. Dos Passos, John,- U.S.A. Lawrence, D. H., Price, Reynolds, Swift, Graham, American fiction- 20th century. Kipling, Rudyard,- Kim. Steinbeck, John,- Cannery row. Choi, Sook Nyul.- Year of impossible goodbyes. Mann, Thomas,- Zauberberg. Judgment in literature. Sentimentalism in literature. Young women- England Austen, Jane,- Appreciation. Eighteenth-Century Literature. English fiction- History and criticism.- 19th century Audiobooks. Man-woman relationships- Fiction.- England Austen, Jane,- Persuasion. Family- Fiction.- England Austen, Jane,- Correspondence. Fathers and daughters- Fiction. Heller, Joseph.- Catch-22. Steinbeck, John,- Of mice and men. Wright, Richard,- Black boy. Literature- History and criticism. Bellow, Saul.- Herzog. Morrison, Toni.- Sula. Fiction- 19th century. Asimov, Isaac,- I, robot. Austen, Jane,- Mansfield park. Peck, Robert Newton.- Day no pigs would die. English language Novelists, English Gentry. Social classes. Austen, Jane,- Adaptations. Literature. English fiction- History and criticism.- 18th century Contemporary Literature. Erpenbeck, Jenny, English essays- 20th century. Courtship Social classes Novelists, English- Biography.- 19th century Courtship- Fiction.- England Adoptees Guest, Judith.- Ordinary people. Fiction- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States. Fiction- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States. Japrisot, S�bastien, Murdoch, Iris. Fiction- 20th century. Graves, Robert,- I, Claudius. Danticat, Edwidge,- Dew breaker. DeLillo, Don.- White noise. Vonnegut, Kurt.- Cat's cradle. Woolf, Virginia,- Waves. Allende, Isabel.- Eva luna. Novelists, English- Biography- 19th century Fathers and daughters Readers (Adult) Rousseau, Jean-Jacques,- Nouvelle Heloise. Richardson, Samuel,- Clarissa. Social classes- History- England British and Irish Literature. English fiction- Women authors Bennet, Elizabeth (Fictitious character) Roth, Joseph, Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, Orwell, George, England- Social life and customs- 19th century Young women Mate selection- England Literary landmarks- England. Children of the rich Great Britain- Social life and customs- 19th century Bradbury, Ray,- Fahrenheit 451. Hawthorne, Nathaniel,- Scarlet letter. Salinger, J. D.- Catcher in the rye. Twain, Mark,- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Flaubert, Gustave,- Madame Bovary. Harris, Marilyn,- Hatter Fox. Hemingway, Ernest,- For whom the bell tolls. American fiction- 18th century. Hughes, Langston,- Tambourines to glory. O'Connor, Flannery.- Violent bear it away. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor,- Zapiski iz podpolia. Ford, Ford Madox,- Good soldier. Tolstoy, Leo,- Anna Karenina. Lightman, Alan P.,- Einstein's dreams. Sisters Women and literature- History- 19th century- England Reading comprehension England. Characters and characteristics. Twentieth-Century Literature. England Ferrante, Elena. Quixote, Young women- Fiction.- England Authors, English- Biography England- Fiction. England- Social life and customs- 18th century Female friendship Inheritance and succession Social classes- History- 19th century- England Marriage- Economic aspects Garcia Marquez, Gabriel,- Amor en los tiempos del colera. Davis, Rebecca Harding,- Margret Howth. Dumas, Alexandre,- Trois mousquetaires. Porter, Katherine Anne,- Ship of fools. Fielding, Henry, Ellison, Ralph.- Juneteenth. Gide, Andr?- Immoralist. Hammett, Dashiell,- Maltese falcon. Austen, Jane,- Northanger Abbey. Dangarembga, Tsitsi.- Nervous conditions. Desai, Kiran,- Hullabaloo in the guava orchard. Doyle, Arthur Conan,- Hound of the Baskervilles. Swarthout, Glendon Fred.- Bless the beasts and the children. Yezierska, Anzia,- Bread givers. Cousins Mate selection Young women. Authors British Cinema. Darcy Fitzwilliam (Fictitious character) Moon, Keith, Austen, Jane, Austen, Jane,- Emma. Collins, Mr. (Fictitious character)- Fiction. Women novelists, English- 19th century Austen, Jane,- Family. Women and literature- History- 19th century.- England Austen, Jane,- Mansfield Park. Country homes Uncles- Fiction. Books and reading- Fiction. Angleterre Fiction- History and criticism. Allende, Isabel. Borland, Hal, Kundera, Milan. Wolfe, Thomas, Butler, Octavia E.- Parable of the sower. Uncles Aesthetics, Modern- 18th century. LITERARY CRITICISM / European / English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh Manners and customs. Women novelists, English- 18th century Novelists, English- Biography.- 18th century Theatre History. Smith, charlotte, Romance fiction- History and criticism. Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, Garner, Helen, Kadare, Ismail. Krasznahorkai, László. Levi, Primo. Woolf, Virginia, Sisters- England Fiction. English fiction- History and criticism Austen, Jane,- Pride and prejudice. Cousins- Fiction. Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft,- Frankenstein. Tan, Amy.- Joy luck club. Dickens, Charles,- Oliver Twist. Emecheta, Buchi.- Wreslting match. Cormier, Robert. Stoker, Bram, American fiction- 19th century. Coetzee, J. M.,- Dusklands. Fowles, John,- French lieutenant's woman. Sartre, Jean Paul,- Nausea. Watkins, Yoko Kawashima.- So far from the bamboo grove. Bradbury, Ray,- Something wicked this way comes. Coelho, Paulo.- Alquimista. Frank, Pat,- Alas, Babylon. Rand, Ayn.- Anthem. Judgment (Ethics)- History- 18th century. Fan fiction- History and criticism. Fan fiction. Women authors, English- 19th century. Austen, Jane,- Influence. Bellow, Saul. English essays- 21st century. 英國文學 English fiction- 19th century. Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Criticism- Authorship. Novelists, English- Correspondence.- 19th century Novelists, English- Family relationships.- 19th century Horror tales- Appreciation Prejudices- Fiction. Social classes- England Morrison, Toni.- Bluest eye. Plath, Sylvia.- Bell jar. Irving, John,- Prayer for Owen Meany. Zindel, Paul.- Pigman. Hudson, Jan,- Sweetgrass. More, Thomas,- Utopia. Literature, Modern- History and criticism.- 18th century Nineteenth-Century Literature. Burney, Fanny, Women in literature. Home in literature. Film and Television Studies. Robinson, Marilynne. Auster, Paul, Hrabal, Bohumil, Sebald, W. G.