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作品: 1 作品在 11 項出版品 1 種語言
A new history of Japanese cinema : = a century of narrative film / by: Japan.; Standish, Isolde. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
War and health insurance policy in Japan and the United States = World War II to postwar reconstruction / by: Japan.; Project Muse.; Yamagishi, Takakazu, (1972-) (書目-電子資源)
Sustainable development in Japan and South Korea / by: Japan.; Korea (South); Palgrave Connect (Online service); Naoi, Michio,; Zhang, Wenjie,; Hsu, Sara, (書目-電子資源)
Sanshiro : = a novel / by: Japan; Japan.; Natsume, Sōseki, (1867-1916.); Rubin, Jay, (1941-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Recent advances in dialysis therapy in Japan by: Japan.; Nihon Tōseki Igakkai., Gakujutsu Shūkai Sōkai (2017 :); Nakamoto, Hidetomo.; Nitta, Kosaku. (書目-電子資源)
Women in modern journalism : = prologue and chapter V / by: Japan.; Havens, Norman.; Kodama, Miiko, (1942-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Japan : = a postindustrial power / by: Burks, Ardath W.; Japan. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Kojiki / by: Japan; Japan.; Philippi, Donald L. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Research institutes on Asian studies in Japan, 1981 / by: Asia; Japan.; Asia.; Yunesuko Higashi Ajia Bunka Kenkyū Sentā (Tokyo, Japan) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Alfabetisme. Plattelandsbevolking. Australia- Foreign relations- Japan. Animated films. Economic history. Military bases, American- Public opinion.- Korea (South) Regionalism (International organization) International economic relations. POLITICAL SCIENCE / Government / National POLITICAL SCIENCE / Reference International business enterprises- Management.- Japan Strategic planning- Japan. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industrial Management. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / International / General. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management Science International business enterprises- Management. International business enterprises- Japan International business enterprises. Periodicals- Publishing- 20th century.- Japan Chemistry- Study and teaching- 19th century.- United States Chemistry, Technical- Study and teaching (Higher) Littérature japonaise- Anthologies. Diplomatic relations. Birth order- Japan. Marriage- Japan. Japan- Juvenile literature. Japon Hemodialysis Acute Kidney Injury- therapy. Femmes journalistes- Japon. Corporations, Government- Japan. Industriepolitiek. Overheidsbedrijven. Miyazaki, Hayao. Insurance, Health- history- United States. World War, 1939-1945- Medical care- United States. Health insurance- History- 20th century.- Japan Research. Research institutes. Comic books, strips, etc.- History and criticism.- Japan Comic books, strips, etc. Gay youth Military bases, American- Social aspects- Korea (South) Korea (South) United States. East Asia. Nationalism- Finland POLITICAL SCIENCE / Government / General Corporate culture Publishers and publishing- Japan Interdisciplinary approach in education. LAW / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice Extreme metal (Music) Australia. Sustainable development. Anthologia Natsume, Sōseki, Short stories, Japanese. Shinto. Birth order. Fantasy films. Coastal ecology- Japan. Integrated coastal zone management Coastal ecology. Renal Insufficiency, Chronic- therapy. Japan. Literacy- History.- Japan Filmkunst. Film. Animation (Cinematography)- Japan. POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Freedom & Security / International Security. TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Military Science National Health Programs- history- United States. World War, 1939-1945- Medical care- Japan. Medical policy- History- 20th century.- Japan Medical policy- History- 20th century.- United States Animated television programs- History and criticism.- Japan Manga. Science fiction films. Gay youth. Americans- Japan Miyazaki, Hayao,- Criticism and interpretation. Mononoke hime. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / International / General Nationalism. POLITICAL SCIENCE / Essays BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Development / Business Development. International business Decadence (Literary movement) LITERARY CRITICISM / Books & Reading. Capital market- Law and legislation- Japan Germany. Extreme metal (Music)- Australia. Sustainable development- Japan. Letterkunde. Japanese fiction- Women authors Short stories, Japanese Forty-seven Rōnin International business enterprises- Japan. Management. Popular education- History.- Japan Industrial policy- Japan. Economische hervormingen. Health Policy- history- United States. Asia- Relations- United States. Social history. Kurosawa, Akira, Military bases, American- Public opinion. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / International / Economics Nationalism- Great Britain BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Development / General. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industrial Management Capital market- Law and legislation. Literatura ponesa. Japanese fiction. Forty-seven Rōnin. United States Competition, International. Family size. Women journalists- Japan. Femmes en journalisme- Japon. Women in journalism. Women journalists. Structural adjustment (Economic policy)- Japan. Motion pictures- History.- Japan Cinéma- Histoire.- Japon Animatiefilms. POLITICAL SCIENCE / Government / Comparative. World War II- United States. World War II- Japan. National Health Programs- history- Japan. Health Policy- history- Japan. Insurance, Health- history- Japan. Research institutes- Japan Motion pictures- Japan Americans. Okinawa Island (Japan)- History- 20th century East Asia- In literature. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Organizational Behavior Strategic planning. Publishers and publishing. LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Journalism Decadence (Literary movement)- Japan. Chemistry- Study and teaching (Higher) HISTORY / Social History. Extreme metal (Music)- Japan. Literatura inglesa- Traducciones del japonés. Japans. Family size- Japan. Animated films- Japan. Estuarine ecology- Japan. Hemodialysis Methodology Women in journalism- Japan. Jornalismo- Japão. Japan- Economic conditions- 1989- Security, International- Asia. Security, International- Pacific Area. SOCIAL SCIENCE / Developing Countries. History, 20th Century- United States. Delivery of Health Care- history- Japan. Animated television programs. Motion pictures. Military bases, American- Social aspects- Japan Military relations. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management Management & management techniques Multinationals Periodicals- Publishing. SOCIAL SCIENCE / Popular Culture. Chemistry, Technical- Study and teaching (Higher)- 19th century.- Japan HISTORY / Europe / Great Britain. HISTORY / United States / 19th Century. Capital market- Law and legislation- United States Sustainable development- Korea (South) Manners and customs. Poppenspel. Love stories. Perry, Matthew Calbraith, High technology industries- Management.- Japan Matrix (Motion picture) Japan- Periodicals. Mulheres- Japão. Japan- Social life and customs- 1945- �Education populaire- Histoire.- Japon Populaire literatuur. Government business enterprises- Japan. Security, International. Security, International- Australia. Security, International- Japan. HISTORY / Military / Other History, 20th Century- Japan. Delivery of Health Care- history- United States. Health insurance- History- 20th century.- United States Science fiction films- History and criticism.- Japan Zeichentrickfilm. Military bases, American- Public opinion.- Japan Nationalism- Japan BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Strategic Planning. Corporate culture. Business and Management Business innovation Decadence in literature. LITERARY CRITICISM / Asian / Japanese. Chemistry- Study and teaching. HISTORY / Asia / Japan. Japanese literature Japanese fiction- Women authors. Mythology, Japanese. Technological innovations. Marriage. Integrated coastal zone management- Japan. Estuarine ecology. Integrated coastal zone management. Japon- Murs et coutumes- 1945- Alphab�etisation- Histoire.- Japon Miyazaki, Hayao,- Criticism and interpretation. Asia. Animated films- History and criticism.- Japan HISTORY / Asia / Japan Japan Animation (Cinematography) - Japan. Animated film- Japan. Military bases, American- Social aspects. United States- Economic policy- 1981-1993 Finland. Great Britain. Yamamoto, Sanehiko, Kaizō. Authors, Japanese- 20th century Authors, Japanese. Japanese literature- History and criticism.- 20th century Japanese literature. LITERARY CRITICISM / Asian / General Chemistry- Study and teaching (Higher)- 19th century.- Japan Chemistry- Study and teaching- 19th century.- Great Britain SCIENCE / Chemistry / General Capital market- Law and legislation- Germany Japanese fiction- 20th century Technological innovations- Japan. High technology industries- Management. Technologiemanagement. Renal Dialysis- methods. East Asia- Social life and customs.