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作品: 0 作品在 17 項出版品 4 種語言
City of suppliants = tragedy and the Athenian empire / by: Project Muse.; Tzanetou, Angeliki. (書目-電子資源)
Electra and other plays / by: Sophocles.; Watling, E. F. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Oedipus the King by: Bagg, Robert.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Sophocles. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Sophocles : = the complete plays / by: Sophocles.; Roche, Paul, (1916-2007.) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The Theban plays / by: Grene, David.; Sophocles.; Thebes (Greece) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Electra and other plays : = Ajax, Electra, Women of Trachis, Philoctetes / by: Watling, E. F.; Sophocles. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Drama for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas /. Volume 1 by: Galens, David,; Spampinato, Lynn,; Gale Group. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Oedipus Rex by: Sophocles.; Project Muse.; Mulroy, David D., (1943-) (書目-電子資源)
Mythology, Greek- Drama. Philoctetes (Greek mythology)- Drama. Euripides.- Medea. Goldsmith, Oliver,- She stoops to conquer. Rostand, Edmond,- Cyrano de Bergerac. Williams, Tennessee,- Glass menagerie. Dramatists. Carballido, Emilio.- I, too, speak of the rose. Strindberg, August,- Fr�ken Julie. Rabe, David.- Streamers. Simon, Neil.- Prisoner of Second Avenue. Mythology, Greek Aeschylus. Euripides. Greek drama- History and criticism. 希臘文學 Greek drama (Comedy)- Translations into English. Greece- Drama. Oedipus (Greek mythology)- Drama. Oedipus (Greek mythology) in literature. Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich,- Cherry orchard. Hart, Moss,- You can't take it with you. Kaufman, George S.- You can't take it with you. Garc�a Lorca, Federico,- Casa de Bernarda Alba. Hare, David,- Plenty. Guare, John.- House of blue leaves. Greenberg, Richard,- Take me out. English language Trojan War- Literature and the war. Philoctetes (Greek mythology) in literature. Oedipus Thebes (Greece)- Drama. Sophocles.- Oedipus Rex. Rodgers, Richard,- King and I. Shaw, Bernard,- Pygmalion. Euripides.- Iphigenia in Tauris. Brecht, Bertolt,- Dreigroschenoper. Eliot, T. S.- Murder in the cathedral. Inge, William.- Bus stop. Jarry, Alfred,- Ubu roi. Wilde, Oscar,- Salom? Jensen, Erik,- Exonerated. Shear, Claudia.- Dirty blonde. American drama- 20th century. Readers (Adult) Sophocles.- Philoctetes. Aeschylus.- Eumenides. Greek mythological figure Electra Drama- Chorus (Greek drama) Antigone Philosophy in literature. Thebes (Greece)- In literature. Hellman, Lillian,- Little foxes. Ibsen, Henrik,- Doll's house. Miller, Arthur,- Death of a salesman. American drama. Drama Drama. Wilder, Thornton,- Skin of our teeth. Childress, Alice.- Trouble in mind. Miller, Arthur,- All my sons. Blank, Jessica,- Exonerated. Cocteau, Jean,- Indiscretions. Fugard, Athol.- Lesson from Aloes. Glaspell, Susan,- Alison's house. Leonard, Hugh.- Au pair man. Osborne, John,- Inadmissible evidence. Antigone (Greek mythology) Reading comprehension Feminism and literature- Greece. Pluralism- History. Revenge Oedipus (Greek Mythology)- Drama. Wilder, Thornton,- Our town. Drama- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States. Dorfman, Ariel.- Muerte y la doncella. Ionesco, Eug�ne.- Cantatrice chauve. Osborne, John,- Look back in anger. Wilde, Oscar,- Importance of being earnest. Albee, Edward,- Three tall women. Bond, Edward.- Saved. Glaspell, Susan,- Trifles. Sophocles.- Trachiniae. Behn, Aphra,- Forc'd marriage. Sophocles. Sex role in literature. Sophocles- Appreciation. Oedipus (Greek mythology) Greek drama (Tragedy)- History and criticism. Troy (Extinct city)- In literature. Electra (Greek mythological figure) Electra (Greek mythology)- Drama. Tragedy. Marlowe, Christopher,- Doctor Faustus. Drama- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States. Sophocles.- Electra. Pirandello, Luigi,- Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore. Wilson, Lanford,- Burn this. Fuller, Charles.- Soldier's play. Rattigan, Terence.- Browning version. Stoppard, Tom.- Real thing. Antigone (Greek mythology) in literature. Herodotus. Euripides.- Children of Heracles. Gender identity in literature. Greek drama (Tragedy)- Translations into English. Theater Jonson, Ben,- Alchemist. O'Neill, Eugene,- Hairy ape. Ibsen, Henrik,- Peer Gynt. Slavery in literature. Feminism in literature. Hölderlin, Friedrich,- Criticism and interpretation. Sophocles- Translations into English. Antigone (Greek mythology)- Drama. Trojan War Sophocles.- Antigone. Hammerstein, Oscar,- King and I. Williams, Tennessee,- Streetcar named Desire. Drama- History and criticism. Dramatic criticism. Medoff, Mark Howard.- Children of a lesser god. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,- School for scandal. Sophocles.- Ajax. Kopit, Arthur L.- Indians. Wilson, August.- Two trains running. Arden of Feversham. Drama- 20th century. Sophocles Women in literature. Sophocles- Stage history. Protagoras. Sophocles.- Oedipus at Colonus. Greek drama (Tragedy) Greek mythology Greek drama.