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Cashmore, Ernest.

Works: 18 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
The Black culture industry / by: Cashmore, Ernest. (Language materials, printed)
Sport psychology : = the key concepts / by: Cashmore, Ernest. (Language materials, printed)
Sport and exercise psychology = the key concepts / by: Cashmore, Ernest.; Cashmore, Ernest.{me_controlnum} (Electronic resources)
Encyclopedia of race and ethnic studies / by: Cashmore, Ernest. (Language materials, printed)
Celebrity/culture / by: Cashmore, Ernest. (Language materials, printed)
Making sense of sports / by: Cashmore, Ernest. (Language materials, printed)
Sports culture / by: Cashmore, Ernest. (Language materials, printed)
Making sense of sports by: Cashmore, Ernest. (Electronic resources)
Sport and exercise psychology : = the key concepts / by: Cashmore, Ernest.; Cashmore, Ernest. (Language materials, printed)
Sports culture : = an A-Z guide / by: Cashmore, Ernest. (Language materials, printed)
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