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Gottlieb, Roger S.

Works: 1 works in 1 publications in 1 languages
History and subjectivity : = the transformation of Marxist theory / by: Gottlieb, Roger S. (Language materials, printed)
Deep ecology and world religions = new essays on sacred grounds / by: Barnhill, David Landis.; Gottlieb, Roger S.; American Academy of Religion., National Meeting ((1997)); NetLibrary, Inc. (Language materials, printed)
Spirituality = What It Is and Why It Matters / by: Gottlieb, Roger S. (Electronic resources)
This sacred earth : = religion, nature, environment / by: Gottlieb, Roger S. (Language materials, printed)
Religion and the environment / by: Gottlieb, Roger S. (Language materials, printed)
Marxism, 1844-1990 = origins, betrayal, rebirth by: Gottlieb, Roger S.; kweilin; yu mei hui (Language materials, printed)
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