International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
作品: | 2 作品在 10 項出版品 5 種語言 |
The Green web : = a union for world conservation /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Holdgate, Martin W.
IUCN red list categories and criteria /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources., Species Survival Commission.
A guide to designing legal frameworks to determine access to genetic resources /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN Environmental Law Centre.; Glowka, Lyle.
Integrating implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the rules of the World Trade Organization /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Downes, David R.; World Trade Organization
Linkages in the landscape : = the role of corridors and connectivity in wildlife conservation /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN Forest Conservation Programme.; Bennett, Andrew F.
International wildlife law : = an analysis of international treaties concerned with the conservation of wildlife /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; University of Cambridge., Research Centre for International Law.; Lyster, Simon.
Guidelines for management planning of protected areas /
Middleton, Julie.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Thomas, Lee.
The Global Environment Facility from Rio to New Delhi : = a guide for NGOs /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Cohen, Sheldon, (1947-); Global Environment Facility.; Burgiel, Stanley W.
A guide to undertaking biodiversity legal and institutional profiles /
Global Biodiversity Strategy.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN Environmental Law Centre.; Glowka, Lyle.
Global biodiversity : = status of the earth's living resources : a report /
British Museum (Natural History); International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; World Conservation Monitoring Centre.; Groombridge, Brian.
Conserving the world's biological diversity /
McNeely, Jeffrey A.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; World Resources Institute.; Conservation International.; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.; World Wildlife Fund (U.S.)
Protected area economics and policy : = linking conservation and sustainable development /
McNeely, Jeffrey A.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Munasinghe, Mohan, (1945-); Schwab, Adelaida.; Workshop on the Economics of Protected Areas ((1992 :)
Expanding partnerships in conservation /
McNeely, Jeffrey A.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas (1992 :)
Centres of plant diversity : = a guide and strategy for their conservation.. vol.1,. Europe, Africa, South West Asia and the Middle East /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; World Wide Fund for Nature.; Centres of Plant Diversity (Project); Davis, Stephen D.; Hamilton, A. C. (1945-); Heywood, V. H. (1927-)
A Sustainable world : = defining and measuring sustainable development /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Osborn, Julia K.; Trzyna, Thaddeus C., (1939-)
Communities and forest management in South Asia : = a regional profile of WG-CIFM the Working Group on Community Involvement in Forest Management /
Poffenberger, Mark, (1950-); International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Working Group on Community Involvement in Forest Management.
Guidelines for legislation to implement CITES /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Klemm, Cyrille de.; Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
A law for the environment : = essays in honour of Wolfgang E. Burhenne = Un droit pour l'environnement Ein Recht f die Umwelt : Manges en l'honneur de Festschrift f Wolfgang E. Burhenne /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Alexandre, Kiss.
Biological diversity conservation and law : = legal mechanisms for conserving species and ecosystems /
Shine, Clare.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Klemm, Cyrille de.
Centres of plant diversity : = a guide and strategy for their conservation.. vol. 3,. the Americas /
Davis, Stephen D.; Heywood, V. H. (1927-); Hamilton, A. C. (1945-); World Wide Fund for Nature.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Centres of Plant Diversity (Project)
Conservation and the future : = trends and options toward the year 2025 /
McNeely, Jeffrey A.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources., Biodiversity Policy Coordination Division.
Centres of plant diversity : = a guide and strategy for their conservation.. vol. 2,. Asia, Australasia and the Pacific /
Davis, Stephen D.; Heywood, V. H. (1927-); Hamilton, A. C. (1945-); World Wide Fund for Nature.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Centres of Plant Diversity (Project)
Caring for the earth :
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; United Nations Environment Programme.; World Wide Fund for Nature.
Guidelines for management planning of protected areas /
Middleton, Julie.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Thomas, Lee.
A guide to undertaking biodiversity legal and institutional profiles /
IUCN Environmental Law Centre.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Glowka, Lyle.; Global Biodiversity Strategy.
A guide to designing legal frameworks to determine access to genetic resources /
IUCN Environmental Law Centre.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Glowka, Lyle.
1993 United Nations list of national parks and protected areas = = Liste des Nations Unies des parcs nationaux et des aires prots 1993 = Lista de las Naciones Unidas de Parques Nacionales y Areas Protegidas 1993 /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas.
Common property resources : = ecology and community-based sustainable development /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Berkes, Fikret.; Conference on Conservation and Development: Implementing the World Conservation Strategy ((1986 :); World Congress of Ecology (1986 :)
Achieving sustainable fisheries : = implementing the new international legal regime /
Lutchman, Indrani.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; De Fontaubert, Charlotte.
A guide to the convention on biological diversity /
Burhenne-Guilmin, Francoise.; Synge, Hugh.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Glowka, Lyle.
Towards a mutually supportive relationship between the Convention on Biological Diversity and the World Trade Organization : = an action guide /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN Environmental Law Programme.; Tarasofsky, Richard.; World Trade Organization.
Financing protected areas : = guidelines for protected area managers /
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas., Financing Protected Areas Task Force.; University of Wales., College of Cardiff.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. , Economics Service Unit.
Evaluating effectiveness : = a framework for assessing the management of protected areas /
Stolton, Sue.; Dudley, Nigel.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas.; University of Wales., College of Cardiff.; Hockings, Marc.
The use of economic measures in national biodiversity strategies and action plans : = a review of experiences, lessons learned and ways forward /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN Regional Environmental Economics Programme for Asia.; Emerton, L.
Centres of plant diversity : = a guide and strategy for their conservation /
Davis, Stephen D.; Hamilton, A. C. (1945-); Heywood, V. H. (1927-); International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; World Wide Fund for Nature.
Marine and coastal protected areas : = a guide for planners and managers /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Salm, Rodney V.; Clark, John R., (1927-.); Siirila, Erkki.
National biodiversity planning : = guidelines based on early experiences around the world.
Miller, Kenton.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; United Nations Environment Programme.; World Resources Institute.; Lanou, Steven M.
Energy law and sustainable development /
Bradbrook, Adrian J.; Ottinger, Richard L. (1929-); International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN Environmental Law Programme.
Education and sustainability : = responding to the global challenge /
Tilbury, Daniella.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources., Commission on Education and Communication.
Economic values of protected areas : = guidelines for protected area managers /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources., Economics Service Unit.; IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas., Task Force on Economic Benefits of Protected Areas.
Tourism, ecotourism, and protected areas : = the state of nature-based tourism around the world and guidelines for its development /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Commission of the European Communities.; Ceballos-Lascurain, Hector.; World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas (1992 :)
Financing protected areas : = guidelines for protected area managers /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas.; IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas., Financing Protected Areas Task Force.; University of Wales., College of Cardiff.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources., Economics Service Unit.
An explanatory guide to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN Environmental Law Centre.; World Resources Institute.; Ascencio, Alfonso.; Mackenzie, Ruth.; Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development.
Sustainable tourism in protected areas : = guidelines for planning and management/
Haynes, Christopher D.; McCool, Stephen F.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; United Nations Environment Programme.; World Tourism Organization.; Eagles, Paul F. J., (1949-.)
Sustainable tourism in protected areas : = guidelines for planning and management /
McCool, Stephen F.; World Tourism Organization.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Eagles, Paul F. J., (1949-); Haynes, Christopher D.; United Nations Environment Programme.
Adaptive management : = from theory to practice /
Oglethorpe, James.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Sustainable Use Initiative (Organization).; Tropenbos Foundation.; International Agricultural Centre.; Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen., Omgevingswetenschappen.
The impacts of climate change on ecosystems and species : = terrestrial ecosystems /
Pernetta, John.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Caring for the earth : = a strategy for survival /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; United Nations Environment Programme.; World Wide Fund for Nature.; Few, Roger.
Drafting legislation for sustainable soils : = a guide /
Boer, Ben.; IUCN Environmental Law Programme.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN--The World Conservation Union.; Hannam, Ian.; International Water Management Institute.
Business & biodiversity : = the handbook for corporate action.
World Business Council for Sustainable Development.; Earthwatch Europe.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Protected areas in 2023 : = scenarios for an uncertain future /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Carbon, forests, and people : = towards the integrated management of carbon sequestration, the environment, and sustainable livelihoods /
Orlando, Brett.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN Forest Conservation Programme.
Caring for the world : = a strategy for sustainability : prepared by the World Conservation Union (IUCN), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; United Nations Environment Programme.; World Wide Fund for Nature.
Biodiversity in the seas : = implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity in marine and coastal habitats /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; De Fontaubert, A. Charlotte.; Downes, David R.; Agardy, Tundi.
Business & biodiversity : = the handbook for corporate action.
Earthwatch Europe.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
Beyond fences : = seeking social sustainability in conservation. vol. 2,. a resource book /
Buchan, Dianne.; Borrini, Grazia.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Beyond fences : = seeking social sustainability in conservation. vol. 1,. a process companion /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Borrini, Grazia.; Buchan, Dianne.
A guide to designing legal and institutional frameworks on alien invasive species /
Williams, Nattley.; Gdling, Lothar.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN Environmental Law Centre.; Shine, Clare.
The impact of climate change on ecosystems and species : = environmental context /
Pernetta, John.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Symposium on the Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystems and Species ((1991 :)
How is your MPA doing? : = a guidebook of natural and social indicators for evaluating marine protected area management effectiveness /
Parks, John E.; Watson, Lani M.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Pomeroy, R. S.
The green web : = a union for world conservation /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Holdgate, Martin W.
From care to action : = making a sustainable world /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Holdgate, Martin W.
Economic values of protected areas : = guidelines for protected area managers /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. , Economics Service Unit.; World Commission on Protected Areas., Task Force on Economic Benefits of Protected Areas.; University of Wales., College of Cardiff.
Ecosystem management : = lessons from around the world : a guide for development and conservation practitioners /
Pirot, J.-Y.; Meynell, Peter-John.; Elder, Danny.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Trends in environmental policy and law =: = Tendances actuelles de la politique et du droit de l'environnement / project coordinator, Michael Bothe.
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Bothe, Michael.
Environmental law in developing countries.. v.2,. selected issues /
Cedeno Bonilla, Marianela.; Burhenne-Guilmin, Francoise.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Enhancing sustainability : = resources for our future : proceedings of a workshop held at the World Conservation Congress organised by the Sustainable Use Initiative, 17-20 October 1996, Montreal, Canada /
Danskin, Melissa H.; Linde, Hendrik A. van der.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; World Conservation Congress ((1996 :)
Energy law and sustainable development /
Bradbrook, Adrian J.; Ottinger, Richard L. (1929-.); International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN Environmental Law Programme.
Conserving biodiversity outside protected areas : = the role of traditional agro-ecosystems /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN Forest Conservation Programme.; Gilmour, D. A.; Halladay, Patricia.
Change : = adaptation of water resources management to climate change /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Bergkamp, Gerardus Johannus Jacobus.; Orlando, Brett.; Burton, Ian.
Caring for the earth :
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; United Nations Environment Programme.; World Wide Fund for Nature.
Conservation on private lands : = the australian experience /
IUCN--The World Conservation Union.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Figgis, Penelope
Participatory conservation : = paradigm shifts in international policy.
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Kalpavriksh (Organization)
Strategies for sustainability.. Asia /
Carew-Reid, Jeremy.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Partnerships for protection : = new strategies for planning and management for protected areas /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Stolton, Sue.; Dudley, Nigel.; Gujja, Biksham.; World Wildlife Fund.
Megapodes : = status survey and conservation action plan 2000-2004 /
Dekker, Rene W. R. J.; Fuller, Richard A.; Baker, Gillian C.; WPA/BirdLife/SSC Megapode Specialist Group.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Legal aspects of the conservation of wetlands : = papers presented at an international conference held in Lyon, 23-26 September 1987 /
Untermaier, Jean.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Societe�Francaise pour le droit de l'environnement.; IUCN Commission on Environmental Policy, Law, and Administration.
The Large Marine Ecosystems of the Pacific Rim : = a report of a symposium held in Qingdao, People's Republic of China, 8-11 October 1994 /
Tang, Qisheng.; Sherman, Kenneth, (1932-.); International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; United States., National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Lessons learned from environmental accounting : = findings from nine case studies /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Hecht, Joy E.
Links between biodiversity conservation, livelihoods and food security : = the sustainable use of wild species for meat /
Mainka, Sue.; Trivedi, Mandar.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Integrating implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the rules of the World Trade Organization /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Downes, David R.
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas.
Our people, our resources : = supporting rural communities in participatory action research on population dynamics and the local environment /
Barton, Thomas George.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Sherbinin, Alex de; Warren, Patrizio; Borrini-Feyerabend, Grazia
Ecological principles for economic development /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Freeman, Peter H.; Milton, John P.; Conservation Foundation.; Dasmann, Raymond Fredric, (1919-)
International water governance : = conservation of freshwater ecosystems.. vol. 1,. International agreements compilation and analysis /
Iza, Alejandro Omar, (1966-.); International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
The Conservation atlas of tropical forests : = Asia and the Pacific /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Collins, N. Mark.
Protected area economics and policy = linking conservation and sustainable development /
McNeely, Jeffrey A.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Munasinghe, Mohan, (1945-); Schwab, Adelaida.; Workshop on the Economics of Protected Areas ((1992 :)
Linkages in the landscape : = the role of corridors and connectivity in wildlife conservation /
IUCN Forest Conservation Programme.; Bennett, Andrew F.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Towards a "second generation" in environmental laws in the Asian and Pacific region : = select trends /
Lye, Lin Heng.; Manguiat, Maria Socorro Z.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN/IGES/ADB Symposium ((2002 :)
Conservation of biodiversity and the new regional planning /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Meganck, Richard Albert.; Saunier, Richard E.; Organization of American States., Dept. of Regional Development and Environment.
Our people, our resources : = supporting rural communities in participatory action research on population dynamics and the local environment /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Barton, Thomas George.
Tenure and sustainable use /
Oglethorpe, James.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Global Biodiversity Forum (1998 :); Sustainable Use Initiative (Organization); Universitetet i Oslo., Senter for utvikling og milj.
Large dams = learning from the past, looking at the future : workshop proceedings, Gland, Switzerland, April 11-12, 1997 /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Dorcey, Anthony H. J., (1944-); World Bank Group.
Towards a "second generation" in environmental laws in the Asian and Pacific region : = select trends /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN Environmental Law Centre.; Asian Development Bank.; Lye, Lin Heng.; Manguiat, Maria Socorro Z.; Chikyou Kankyoo Senryaku Kenkyou Kikan.; IUCN/IGES/ADB Symposium ((2002 :)
The use of economic measures in national biodiversity strategies and action plans : = a review of experiences, lessons learned and ways forward /
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; IUCN Regional Environmental Economics Programme for Asia.; Emerton, L.
Using the ecosystem approach to implement the convention on biological diversity : = key issues and case studies /
Maltby, Edward.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Smith, R. D. (Dr.)
World conservation strategy : = living resource conservation for sustainable development /
United Nations Environment Programme.; World Wildlife Fund.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Unesco.; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Water as a human right? /
Cassar, Angela.; Nemes, Noemi.; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.; Scanlon, John, (1961-)
Corridors (Ecology)
Nature conservation.
Marine resources conservation
Protected areas- Management
Organizational effectiveness- Evaluation
Sustainable fisheries.
Industries- Environmental aspects.
Marine ecology- Congresses.- Pacific Area
Marine resources conservation- Congresses.
Population geography- Developing countries.
Environmental policy- Congresses.- Asia
Carbon sequestration.
Environmental law.
Wildlife conservation
Environmental policy- International cooperation.
Energy development- Law and legislation.
Dams- Social aspects
Marine parks and reserves- Management.
Coastal zone management
Sustainable development.
Environmental policy.
Climatic changes.
Sustainable forestry- Congresses.
Nonindigenous pests- Law and legislation.
Environmental law, International.
Ecosystem management
Water conservation- Legislation.
Environmental law- Asia
Environmental law- Pacific Area
Plant diversity conservation.
Convention on Biological Diversity
National parks and reserves.
Natural areas.
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Forest management- Citizen participation.- South Asia
Forest management- South Asia
Wildlife conservation.
Community development
Environmental law- Developing countries.
Conservation of natural resources- International cooperation
Environmental auditing.
Environmental auditing- Case studies.
Food conservation.
Land tenure
Sustainable development- Congresses.
Natural resources- Management
Water- Law and legislation.
Human rights.
Soil conservation- Law and legislation.
Plants, Protection of.
Biological diversity conservation- Laws and legislation.
Plant conservation- International cooperation.
Rain forests- Maps.- Asia
Conservation of natural resources- Maps.- Pacific Area
Man- Influence on nature- Pacific Area
Regional planning- Environmental aspects.
Environmental management.
Nature conservation- Citizen participation.
Ecosystem management.
Natural resources conservation areas- Management.
Protected areas.
Environmental protection
Natural resources conservation areos- Management
Protected areas- Economic Aspects
Sustainable fisheries- Congresses.
Nature conservation
Biological invasions- Law and legislation.
Human geography- Developing countries.
Centres of Plant Diversity (Project)
Natural areas- Management.
Sustainable development- Law and legislation.
Plant conservation.
Endangered species- Protection.
Man- Influence on nature.
Man- Influence on nature- Asia
Environmental education.
Conservation des ressources naturelles- Aspect économique.
Nature conservation- International cooperation.
National parks and reserves- Periodicals.
Natural resources conservation areas- Planning.
Conservation of natural resources- Asia.
Environmental protection- Finance.
Protected areas- Management.
Organizational effectiveness- Evaluation.
Protected areas- Economic Aspects.
Sustainable agriculture
Environmental policy- Developing countries.
Natural areas- Management
Natural resources- Developing countries.
Rural development- Citizen particiaption.- Developing countries
Economic development.
Protected areas- Planning.
Burhenne, Wolfgang E.
Natural areas- Planning
Biological diversity conservation- Management.
Wildlife conservation- Law and legislation.
Electric utilities- Law and legislation.
Transgenic organisms- Law and legislation.
Foreign trade regulation.
Environnement- Politique gouvernementale.
Tourism- Environmental aspects
Natural areas- Congresses.
Marine parks and reserves- Management
Marine resources conservation.
Conservation of natural resources.
Human ecology.
Energy industries- Law and legislation.
Energy industries- Environmental aspects.
Environmental economics.
Climatic changes- Environmental aspects
Wetland conservation- Law and legislation
Natural resources.
Water resources development- Law and legislation.
Centers of plant diversity.
Endangered species.
Nature conservation- Planning
Agricultural ecology.
World Trade Organization.
World Trade Organization
Sustainable development- Case studies.
Dams- Economic aspects
Natural resources conservation areas.
Ecotourism- Congresses.
Forest management- South Asia.
Sustainable development- Asia.
Environmental policy- Asia.
Coastal zone management.
Biological diversity conservation.
Economic development- Environmental aspects.
Biological diversity conservation- Law and legislation.
Marine ecology- Congresses.
Rural development- Environmental aspects- Developing countries.
Community development- Environmental aspects- Developing countries.
Environmental policy- Pacific Area
Water- Developing countries.
Climatic changes- Environmental aspects.
Conservation of natural resources- Social aspects.
Forest management.
Natural resources- Law and legislation.
Genetic engineering- Law and legislation.
Rare animals.
Biological diversity.
Economic development- Environmental aspects
Nature conservation- Citizen participation
Foreign trade regulation- Law and legislation.
Power resources- Law and legislation.
Biotechnology industries- Law and legislation.
Natural areas- Periodicals.
Conservation of natural resources- Congresses.
Conservation of natural resources- Government policy.
Environmental protection.
Marine biological diversity conservation- Law and legislation.
Water-supply- Management.
Marine biological diversity conservation.
Marine resources conservation- Congresses.- Pacific Area
Wetland conservation
Birds- Conservation.
Biotechnology- Law and legislation.
Species diversity.
Rain forests- Maps.- Pacific Area
Conservation of natural resources- Maps.- Asia
Nature- Effect of human beings on.
Biotechnology- Safety measures.
Green movement.
Conservation of natural resources
Dams- Environmental aspects
Conservation of natural resources- Economic aspects.