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Works: 8 works in 13 publications in 1 languages
Factors that drive compulsive buying among indonesian household workers in Taiwan / by: Randikaparsa, Irawan; 林家五; Lin, Chia- Wu (Language materials, printed)
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IPO model 個人─工作配適度 可信度 社群媒體 Brand Image Social Media 特質自我控制 自我調節理論 Vanguard leadership 醫療人員 意圖購買 Self-Control Free-Riding Intend to Purchase Purchase Intention Ego Depletion 工作敬業心 Leader Humor 伴侶認定相似性 Identity threat 新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19) sensemaking 共享領導觀點 質性研究 coronavirus disease 2019 Grounded theory person-job fit 探索性因素分析 組織信任 Employee's Branding Mindfulness 正念 關係中自尊 愛情關係滿意度 Work performance 意義建構 healthcare covid-19 qualitative research 破壞式創新 網路口碑 Moderator 沉浸 Subjective financial well-being Frugality 認定威脅 炫耀性送禮 Similarity of partner identification Self-esteem in relationship 職家增益 living a call work-family enrichmetnt 壓力感受歷程 家長式領導 ANOVA Analysis 品牌形象知覺 Immersion Compulsive Buying Household worker Trait self-control 犬儒主義 Self-compassion Relationship satisfaction Conspicuous gifting Adventurous Behavior 冒險行為 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) 新冠疫情(covid-19) shared leadership hotel industry 大數據 投入-歷程-產出模式 Disruptive innovation Incremental innovation 活出使命 credibility 助人行為 Work engagement 節儉 自我疼惜 Cynicism Ostracism Differences in socioeconomic status Social capital 先鋒領導 工作績效 stress process model 旅館業 paternalistic leadership 紮根理論 漸進式創新 Big data 虛榮 自我控制 變異數分析 調節分析 員工品牌化 購買意圖 排擠 主管幽默感 Self-Regulation Theory 離職傾向 living a calling electronic word-of-mouth 搭便車行為 EFA Helping Behavior Organizational Trust 主觀財務幸福感 社經地位優勢差異 Innovative behavior 社會資本 創新行為 使命感 銀行員工 turnover intention
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