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Emotion processing. community care chronic schizophrenia 社群媒體 雙元孝道 Social Media Panel Study of Family Dynamics 摳皮症 high school baseball sexual myth Recovery social cognition emotional stimuli 憂鬱 機器學習 生命教育 Do-Not-Resuscitate, DNR Meaning in life 人格特質 Cognitive and social rehabilitation 心理健康 Milwaukee 摳皮症量表 impulsive control sexual knowledge 神經認知功能亞型 schizophrenia Depression 大學生 自尊 Self-esteem. Personality traits. competitive anxiety 性知識 Mental illness- Classification. Psychiatric Stigma 社會認知 情緒刺激 極短版因應策略量表 多群組驗證性因素分析 日常困擾 Schizophrenia. Late positive potential. 社區式照護 Long-term Care 認知功能退化 declined cognitive 華人家庭動態資料庫 Different Generations International Affective Picture System psychological skill Juvenile Sexual Offenders 精神疾病污名感受 neurocognitive subtypes 自殺意念 不施行心肺復甦術 照顧意願 Family caregiver Intention of care Caregiver burden 因素分析 ultra brief COPE multi-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) 亞臨床精神症狀 事件相關電位 Milwaukee Inventory for the Dimensions of Adult Skin Picking 競賽焦慮 self-esteem 精神障礙 澳門 Marco facial expression recognition 情緒 Social media 計畫行為理論 university student College students. 認知與社交復健的團體心理治療 世代差異 Dual Filial Piety Skin-Picking disorder 攻擊性 同理心 aggressiveness 青少年性犯罪 動機 臉部表情辨識 Suicide ideation Machine learning 生命意義 Theory of planned behavior Daily hassles. 工作記憶訓練 國際情緒圖片系統 長期照護 心理需求支持服務 Mental Health 衝動控制 高中棒球 personality empathy 復元 motivation 因應 coping factor analysis Subclinical psychiatric symptoms. 思覺失調症 Working memory. psychological supported 守備位置 心理技能 性迷思 Mood Life Education 家庭照顧者 照顧者負荷